A personalized reading is invaluable when you have specific questions or concerns that you would like to address during the reading.
In this reading, I will analyze your birth chart and incorporate current astrological transits to illuminate present life lessons, potential challenges, and opportunities for personal growth and development.
To get started, click the "Book" button below, and you'll have access to an intake form where you can specify your questions or provide as much or as little detail as you like.
The wealth of information in your Astrology chart will be honed in on the issues or concerns that are most relevant to you.
However, if you don't have specific questions or concerns, the reading will offer an overview of the life lessons, growth challenges, and opportunities available to you at this current life cycle period when you are requesting the reading.
Your 90-minute session will be a pre-recorded video and emailed to you for downloading, serving as a valuable reference for the future.
These insights will kickstart a process of inner reflection, guiding you on a healing journey by bringing awareness to the lessons embedded in your current experiences and providing understanding around the "what" and "why" questions.
As an experienced astrologer and coach, Barb will read your chart and distill the essentials to offer comprehensive support filled with valuable information to help you navigate your life most successfully.
The primary goal of this reading is to provide you with valuable insights regarding your concerns, which can encompass a wide range of topics, such as your career, life direction, relationships, and more.
The specific subject matter and topics covered in the reading will be based on the questions and concerns you indicate in detail on our intake form.
If you would like a Saturn Return reading, it will include a natal reading as well. Please email to let me know. Click here to watch my video on the Saturn Return.
If you find that you desire ongoing support and guidance, Bright Insights offers continuous sessions in a coaching package of 12 weeks as the next step in your journey to take the information and new understandings to practical application and to powerfully support you in the formation of achievable goals with a step-by-step process to personal growth and relationship success.
Please ask for details.
What is included:
6. Click "Book" to fill-out the intake questionnaire which will be automatically sent to me.
You will receive your pre-recorded video 7 days after receipt of payment.
Tell me about your request, and I will reply as soon as possible