Jimin Park & Yoongi Min Friendship Compatibility Sample Report

Jimin Park & Yoongi Min Friendship Compatibility Sample Report

BTS South Korean Boy Band

Astrological Compatibility Report

Jimin Park & Yoongi Min

Compatibility Report for Jimin Park and Yoongi Min

Jimin: Oct 13, 1995, 11:58:00 JST Busan, Korea, South (35N06, 129E03)
Yoongi: Mar 9, 1993, 7:30:00 JST Daegu, South Korea (35N52, 128E35)

Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer
Copyright 1999 - 2021 Astrograph Software, Inc

Astrograph Software
Bright Insights
Barb Bright
[email protected]


The Compatibility Report compares two individual's natal charts and examines the inter-aspects or synastry between them. In the following report, each aspect is examined to reveal the basic qualities of your interaction, with the most important factors listed first. Please keep in mind that these descriptions are not meant to put limitations on the relationship, but merely to describe its inherent tendencies. Challenging aspects can become the greatest strength of a relationship if you can both learn how to successfully navigate those issues, with good communication between you playing a vital role. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report.

Important Features

Yoongi's Sun in inconjunct
(within 0.9 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

With this aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Sun, the indications are there for a strong and beneficial connection with each other. Moment to moment you are alike, yet different, getting along with similar styles and interests, although you can also complement each other well. You are likely to feel almost telepathic communication with each other as well as an intuitive sense of friendship and similarity. There may be a deeper purpose to your connection, which you and your partner can bring to light, to be fun in the sun, buddies at the very least. This aspect is good for children and the child in you, with a strong friendship, and warm sharing comradeship, and harmony of response, an unusually good aspect for play and entertainment.

Yoongi's Venus in strong opposition
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

and Yoongi's Sun in sesquiquadrate (within 0.1 degrees) with Jimin's Venus.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect, of Sun in dynamic relation with partner's Venus, is generally beneficial. The two of you are likely to make each other feel and look better together. There could well be friendship based on common interests, based on the mutual pursuit of some area of pleasure or aesthetic enjoyment. This aspect supports arts, leadership in economic areas, and the creation of items of beauty, and may include as well fun in the outdoors together, pleasurable travel, and many enjoyable social engagements. There is generally warmth between the partners and glowing radiance, but it may be that the two of you come from slightly different perspectives. The differences between you can excite, and also may frustrate at times. There may be differences in taste or style, but there is also the ability to earn, enjoy abundance, or exceed expectations. There is a strong liking for each other in a generally beneficial interaction which furthers you culturally or socially.

Yoongi's Sun in trine
(within 6.1 degrees) with Jimin's Mars

and Yoongi's Mars in weak square (within 8.0 degrees) with Jimin's Sun.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Sun in square with partner's Mars, indicates an energetic, athletic, motivated, and passionate partnership, but also may symbolize will or ego conflict between you which may manifest in fits of temper. Together, you have a passion to succeed and excel, with perhaps some type of masculine bravado in the mix; such as risk-taking, or a real sense of adventure. There is also a strong chance for rivalry between you. Your partnership benefits if you can keep your focus on your mutual awareness of vital life pursuits, and your drive to succeed together. Conflicts can arise, as your wills clash and ego desires inflame disagreements. You feel the impulse to do and move together, yet there may also be discord or you may get the feeling that you are working at crossed purposes. You do well if you bring a high degree of consciousness, rational control, and planning to the mix, so that feelings of aggression between you do not get out of hand, perhaps even leading to violent expressions. Your achievement together can be great or difficult, depending on how well you can get along with each other. The distress of purpose and direction not fully aligned may require some understanding of each other's true motivations. Consciousness and foresight can go far to offset the possibilities for impatience and conflict between you.

Yoongi's Sun in square
(within 5.9 degrees) with Jimin's Jupiter

and Yoongi's Jupiter in weak conjunction (within 6.9 degrees) with Jimin's Sun.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

With this aspect, of Sun in conjunction with partner's Jupiter, you can expect a joyous and expansive connection with each other. You will come into a wondrous awareness of purpose, perception, and vision, leading to new levels of trust and faith between you. You may make significant journeys together, or perhaps spend time to positively re-evaluate your goals and the concrete expressions of your shared enthusiasm for life. This aspect symbolizes increased play, joy, childlike nature, the desire for humor, sharing of all you have while pursuing religious, educational, or outdoor activity. It is good to remember to avoid excess. You share similar motivations, release freedom and expansion in each other, permitting great enjoyment, enthusiasm, and gregariousness together. The creative dynamic between you is strong. Something in your relationship allows, supports, and enthuses over your joint purpose together. Your relationship encourages exuberant exchanges of ideas with each other, and is productive of wisdom and positive understanding, with opportunity, good fortune, and possibilities for wild and uninhibited pleasure. You enjoy shared abundance, with Yoongi perhaps giving more to Jimin, and taking pleasure in Jimin's enjoyment of the gifts. Together, you will find optimism and a sense of fair play in your relationship.

Yoongi's Saturn in trine
(within 4.9 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

and Yoongi's Sun in strong conjunction (within 0.9 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Sun in conjunction with partner's Saturn, is an indication of permanence and stability in the relationship and may imply karmic or past-life contact. You will also find awareness of limitations and responsibilities. The two of you together can be very dependable and productive. Some restructuring will occur for Yoongi, who may learn needed lessons of discipline through Jimin. There will likely be a peak for success when there are transiting aspects from outer planets to this point of your natal charts. The key is to balance energy from work into play, and creativity into directed concentrated effort, as each of you leads the other into joyous responsibilities, and responsible joys. There is an implication of limitations and boundaries expressed in your partnership with each other. You may experience isolation or financial hardship as well, through this relationship, which nevertheless can lead you to positive outcomes. Perhaps the limitation and structure imposed by this relationship is a necessary one for your growth and evolution into new paths, both individually and with each other. With this aspect, also, you will find practical wisdom and even leadership in high degrees. Some extra doses of worthwhile hard work are also indicated, perhaps especially for Yoongi. This can be a sobering connection between you, but one which enhances both partners' empowerment and purpose. Sometimes these roles get reversed, but generally speaking, Yoongi gives light to, and is allowing and forgiving toward Jimin, and Jimin serves to facilitate the greater focus of Yoongi's more widespread and expansive consciousness.

Yoongi's Uranus in strong square
(within 1.9 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Sun in square with partner's Uranus, indicates an intriguing connection. There is an element of mental stimulation that Yoongi brings to Jimin, promoting excitement as well as unusual enjoyment, and creative flair. This represents a good basis for friendship but there also may be elements of discord between you. Although there is magnetism, some unique attraction that brings you together, there may be character adjustments necessary between you, which are difficult to pull off with grace. The partnership may be inclined to be uncooperative, or you may be friendly but not demonstrative with each other, or one partner may feel dramatic disconnects, aloofness, or lack of support. The erratic and perhaps unexpected actions of Yoongi gives them a unique appeal for Jimin, but can also lead to feeling up in the air or very far away, and unstable. The two of you may alternate between extremes of freedom and independence, versus a more settled situation, or feel the need to radically defend your own individuality. Rebellion and authority bashing may also come into the mix. The challenge is there to accept unusual qualities in each other. Poise and discipline go a long way if you can muster them. It is your fate to comprehend and synthesize for greater understanding or perhaps to just let go with abandon. At least it won't be boring.

Yoongi's Neptune in strong square
(within 1.3 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

and Yoongi's Sun in sextile (within 4.4 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Sun in square to partner's Neptune, symbolizes a sensitive, and compassionate connection between you, together with an inclination to disassociate or disperse energy. Your partnership is likely to be strongly spiritual as well as artistically creative and may tend to isolate away from the world into some form of sanctuary, or the idealizations of fantasy. Spiritual or creative work may remain more of an illusion than made into a practical ongoing concern. Reaction, illusion, and even outright deception may set in. Sensitive and telepathic, you do share many interests, as Yoongi may provide nurturing for the creative fire of Jimin, while Jimin will give light and leadership, although not without some degree of irritation, due to the insubstantial and elusive nature of Yoongi. Yoongi may seem elusive or in some way unfathomable to Jimin. Ego-needs are sacrificed, usually more by Yoongi, and yet both of you share in the feeling of being taken care of in this relationship. You will always enjoy film, arts, and artistic creativity with each other. There may be a sense of a psychic link with each other, or of feeling harmonized by higher senses, which may take you to fantasy and imagination worlds together. This aspect tends toward fantasy and peaceful illusion, rather than the "brass tacks" of practical reality. Baffled by material nature, and spiritual wisdom, you may find boredom in tranquil waters, or lack of foresight may cripple your chances for growth. On the positive side, there is surrender, and acceptance, and forgiveness for each other.

Yoongi's Chiron in strong sextile
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This inter-aspect, of Sun in flowing aspect to partner's Chiron, leads to a certain degree of spiritual healing between you. For one or both of you, issues may come up concerning self-image and self-worth, or the possibility of a wounded early relationship with your father or they with theirs. If so, these types of concerns may be an important factor in your relationship connection. There is a natural tendency in the case of a romantic relationship with a father wound present, to try to in some way act out the troubled relationship in this new situation, with this partner, so that these types of issues could well arise for discussion and subsequent healing. If they do, the best approach will likely be one that goes to depth, and to acceptance of your partner's situation, as well as your willingness to share your own. There is a way that a partner's inner wounds, the result of early childhood trauma, is a significant part of themselves that needs attention and healing presence, and this aspect indicates that such a healing presence may well be found within this relationship. Important healing can take place between you, and yet you must also recognize that it will take acceptance of each other’s basic humanity, wounds and all, if that is to be possible.

Yoongi's Mars in semi-sextile
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jimin's Moon
Focal planet of planetary pattern

and Yoongi's Moon in strong sextile (within 1.5 degrees) with Jimin's Mars.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

With this aspect, of the Moon in flowing relation with partner's Mars, your partnership is active and enthusiastic. You feel support for each other, with a definite drive to succeed and to express your emotional selves strongly. There could be volatile emotions expressed between you at times, in a mostly congenial relationship. You may encounter open expressions of volatile emotions, even anger, but for the most part, these can be resolved in short order. Your relationship involves active participation with each other. It is likely that Jimin more often engages, and Yoongi more often responds with feeling. Together you have a strong desire for things of comfort: home, security, or a sense of protection. Your primal instincts are engaged, along with joyful and energetic physical expression, a sense of athletic enjoyment with each other. You experience the will to be bonded with your partner, the drive for more feeling and just being more alive together.

Yoongi's Jupiter in strong trine
(within 2.0 degrees) with Jimin's Moon
Focal planet of planetary pattern

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of the Moon in flowing relation with partner's Jupiter, indicates increased enjoyment, beneficial cooperation, and expansion of goals and plans with each other. Spiritual feelings are likely to be included in this partnership. There is a strong and positive optimistic feeling between you and a natural expectation of the ideal, that only occasionally leads to excess. Yoongi may bring some great gift or abundance into Jimin's life, and the nurturing and support provided by Jimin will be expanded and uplifted by the actions of Yoongi. There is an element of down-to-earth practicality mingled with abundant and optimistic nature and the sense of knowledge well shared. You enjoy each other fully and understand each other's feelings, leading to good possibilities for peaceful home life. Positive and glowing, this is joy proclaimed, as you encounter feelings of freedom with each other, and partake of both a practical and a broader viewpoint together. Your relationship may engender the pursuit of knowledge and the world at large, perhaps of history or the past in some way. You are likely to travel well and enjoy the outdoors, as well as your family environment and relations. This is a very positive aspect, productive of spiritual wisdom, fantasy, and good nature in general.

Yoongi's Moon in strong trine
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jimin's Uranus

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of the Moon in flowing relation with partner's Uranus, indicates a mystical connection full of surprising insights and the potential for sudden changes. There is some higher purpose to the interaction between you, in a partnership that is based on mutual interests and an appreciation of unique individuality. Your friendship is open and eclectic as well as unconventional or unique in some form. There may be a multi-cultural factor, or some other unusual side to your relationship, formed by a blend of higher vision with more worldly activity, and an emotional bias based on like attributes. There could be sudden insights and deep awareness brought about through this interaction. There may be progressive humanitarian endeavors that you undertake together. The nature of this connection is to broaden, with a focus on the potential for positive change, and also the balance of emotional independence between you. This aspect allows the open expression of feelings between you, which builds trust. You feel as though you can say anything to each other, and may develop new insights about your past, as well as your future plans and aspirations. There may also be a sporadic quality to the interaction between you. If you live together, changes of residence may also be common. The abruptness and eccentricity of Jimin may be hard for Yoongi to take, especially if very sensitive and security-oriented, but this aspect does allow for strong friendship and freedom from inhibition in your relationship. You make each other feel supported and free to express that uniqueness that you have inside, with a sense of fond good feelings for all you share together.

Yoongi's Moon in strong trine
(within 3.2 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of the Moon in flowing relation with partner's Neptune, represents a relationship of great sensitivity and mutual rapport. The Moon and Neptune are indicators of nurturing and sharing, although in different ways, and both of you will give a great deal of support and encouragement to the other, in a partnership based on spiritual intuition, mutual sharing, and a sense of loyal devotion to each other. Also included in your relationship is shared creativity in the arts, or music, perhaps caring for the sick and elderly, or for other disadvantaged groups. This flows like water, with mutual understanding and sensitive receptivity to each other's moods. You may feel a genuine empathy between you, an intuitive telepathic connection with each other, and you may find psychic receptivity to others as well, such as friends and family. When working together, you may also find yourselves to be more forgiving and compassionate toward the world at large, more willing to do things for other people. You may also encounter a tendency to fantasize or live in a world of illusions, and might do well to set some limits for yourselves in this regard. But limits arising out of what you feel is right; not what others demand of you. Together, you are likely to find areas of service to others, such as in spiritual institutions, or with the arts and music.

Yoongi's Moon in strong sextile
(within 3.0 degrees) with Jimin's Pluto

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

With this aspect, of the Moon in flowing relation with partner's Pluto, there is a dark side to your relationship, although it may operate on a quite subtle level. There may be a feeling of being together for some karmic purpose. Together you are both working toward an important process of change and emotional fulfillment, with Yoongi the one who does most of the transforming, while Jimin provides the catalytic energy for change. This vibration between you is subtle, and may not be part of your conscious awareness, but over time you may discover that great changes have been wrought in terms of some hidden and perhaps painful portions of your psyche through this relationship. There may be walled-off feelings of rage and pain from early childhood, perhaps going back to issues with mother love or its lack, that come to light in the course of this process. There is a serious soul purpose that brings you together for this adventure. There may also be a somewhat compulsive factor to your interaction, and you may need to be careful of possessiveness or other forms of emotional control that could come up between you. You both are being asked to rise to the occasion, to process the material presenting itself to you, in your eternal quest for balance and wholeness so that your life may move forward.

Yoongi's Mercury in strong conjunction
(within 0.5 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Mercury in conjunction with partner's Saturn, inclines to stability, as well as an appreciation of learning and education in the partnership. Yoongi will learn much from Jimin in the course of the relationship. This aspect is very helpful to business relationships. Travel may also provide practical rewards for the two of you. This aspect also means that you involve yourselves in responsible agreements with each other. Jimin is likely to be the more disciplined, with a contribution in terms of acuity and perfectionism that be very helpful from the standpoint of Yoongi, enabling precise practical solutions to partnership issues. There is also the possibility of a lack of spontaneity or overuse of logic leading to a sense of limitation between the partners. Jimin could also provide pressure to conform, the desire for control, or perhaps a didactic or judgmental nature that seems like criticism to Yoongi. On the plus side, this aspect also reflects necessary restrictions and the awareness of proper boundaries. Agreements made will be kept, and you can count on each other. Jimin may appear to be slower than Yoongi in some ways, and will tend to be more practical and grounding to the relationship effort, but Yoongi can also observe and find ways to encourage and to fill in for Jimin. The practical nature of your connection is a beneficial addition to any dynamic and evolving partnership since it aligns well with regulations and necessary controls, which can deepen and strengthen your association.

Yoongi's Saturn in strong square
(within 0.3 degrees) with Jimin's Mars

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect of Mars in square or opposition to partner's Saturn, there is the potential for leadership by one partner, but this also may be experienced as restriction and an inclination to authoritarian control. Ambition and leadership in the relationship can become issues of control as one tries to get ahead of the other. The best of this tends towards cooperation, yet the result may not be to gain but for one partner to be angry, irritated, and unsettled. There is restraint and potentially restriction of Jimin by Yoongi, but Yoongi also supplies needed discipline for the partnership. Resistance can become resentment in Jimin as the caution and controlling behavior of Yoongi is enforced. These roles can also be reversed, but Yoongi is likely to be the enforcer with Jimin the willful and subdued. The controlling behavior on the part of Yoongi may seem like criticism and Jimin may feel the need to express more freely and spontaneously. The friction between you can become intolerable and antagonistic. You benefit by agreement on shared goals and consciously working together with the awareness of one partner as the driving energy, the other as welcomed discipline and focus of direction.

Yoongi's Pluto in strong conjunction
(within 1.0 degrees) with Jimin's Mars

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect of Mars in dynamic relation with partner's Pluto encourages a broad focus with passion, drive, and ambition to succeed between you. It is also possible that a conflict of wills may scuttle your chances of working together productively. The dynamic pull can manifest as powerful magnetism or combative disassociation between you. If you can manage it, your partnership will be productive of physical manifestations such as mechanics and engineering research, or assistance in business and promotional areas. There also may be political sharing or other work involving civic affairs. Strength bordering on obsession and raw power are strongly indicated between you, and this implies the need to take some degree of care as the fire can get out of control. All in all, this is not an easy aspect to handle. The depth of focus between you can bring the two of you to either disagreement or a determination to work with each other despite the odds. The power is there to overcome obstacles and may represent a strong competitive urge between you. This implies that conflict and anger or even violence may be possible, but all this is good for drawing forth your true feelings and bringing about a required deeper examination of your relationship issues.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Yoongi's Moon in strong square
(within 1.3 degrees) with Jimin's Ascendant

and Yoongi's Ascendant in sextile (within 6.2 degrees) with Jimin's Moon.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of the Moon in square with partner's Ascendant represents a strong emotional connection, and reflects your desire as a partnership for comfort and security, with one party tending to feed and support the other, although there may also be emotional stress between you. In general, this aspect indicates a workable and dependable connection in which you protect and take care of each other and increase each other's well-being, with a strong sense of family bond between you. Family is an important part of your union, as well as children or the creative offspring of some shared purpose. There may be even too great an emotional attachment between you, or bonding for the wrong reasons, leading to discordant feelings between you, or there may be a goal orientation that is not shared, cross purposes that do not easily match. Although there is likely to be a degree of discord between you, this aspect also symbolizes a strong desire for comfort, security, and nurturing in your partnership. For the most part, you have a workable and dependable connection that promotes mutual healing.

Yoongi's Jupiter in strong sextile
(exact) with Jimin's Jupiter
Ruler of Rising Sign

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect of Jupiter in flowing relation with partner's Jupiter symbolizes a highly expansive, robust, and fortunate partnership, leading to an easy harmony together. Your ideals and philosophy of life match up well with each other. You give joy and positive mutual encouragement to each other's plans and visions. There is mutual tolerance and appreciation, which brings out the good qualities in each other and supports freedom and independence in both parties. You can also expect increased partnership confidence and benefits, especially in the areas indicated by the sign and house position of Jupiter in your two charts. This aspect is expansive socially as well, and you may bring hosts of others into your field of life. You may find happiness and perhaps even wealth together, but you may need to beware of excesses, such as excessive spending or other forms of waste. The positive side of this aspect represents humor, joy, and the receiving of many gifts together. Knowledge expands into wisdom in avenues of focus including philosophy, religion, travel, the enjoyment of outdoor activities, and other manifestations of life's abundance.

Other Comparison Aspects

Yoongi's Uranus in strong sextile
(within 1.9 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Saturn in flowing relation with partner's Uranus, indicates a most interesting tie between you, to combine the old and new, the well worn and the innovative. With this interaspect, there is a visionary organizational factor present in your partnership, which is likely to bring forth new work in industry, art, or science, politically, socially, or perhaps universally. A frugal balance of limitations together with higher vision makes for good coordination of effort in this partnership. There is the strong possibility of a beneficial humanitarian effort and constructive ingenuity between you. The innovator, usually Yoongi, adds new factors to the mix, which may serve to break up old patterns for Jimin. This aspect also indicates increased creative cooperation between you so that contradictions fall away in respect and understanding, with effective leadership and shared ideas. The energy between you is strong for harnessing visions and dreams of a better society and bringing these closer to reality.

Yoongi's Uranus in strong conjunction
(within 1.6 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

and Yoongi's Neptune in weak conjunction (within 5.9 degrees) with Jimin's Uranus.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Uranus in conjunction with partner's Neptune, represents a great degree of shared spiritual development, and the potential of bringing a spiritual dimension to the worldly activity of the partnership. You care for the same things, in terms of the larger picture, and are inspired by events in the world to bring greater consciousness to it. You may feel a psychic connection between you. Artistic endeavors, as well as political and social movements, new ways of thinking and being, science, ideas, and humanitarian principles, are highlighted.

Yoongi's Neptune in strong sextile
(within 1.3 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Saturn in flowing relation with partner's Neptune, symbolizes inspiration, practical support for each other, and responsibility toward service for others. There is a feeling of helpfulness between you, which may extend to other people as well. Areas of focus may include bringing into accord spirituality and business or work in the healing professions. Jimin may be the more practical partner, who keeps focus and makes effective use of partnership energy, while Yoongi has the will to serve and give to their partner. Jimin may impose limits, while the more giving and spiritual Yoongi will accept this point of view with tolerance. There is a sanctuary for you both in this arrangement. With this aspect, you also may find illusions regarding partnership agreements, or issues of over-dependency, or inhibitions, or simply that one person does not acknowledge the boundaries of the other. Your relationship has a great ability to forgo problem areas, bear burdens, tolerate conditions, and you may feel the need to spiritually restructure yourselves in response to this relationship.

Yoongi's Neptune in strong conjunction
(within 2.2 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Neptune conjunct partner's Neptune, represents a generational influence of shared feeling, sensitivity, and caretaking that applies to similar areas of life. Spiritual goals may be quite similar between you, and your peers will also feel the same way. You may also find that you feel a lack of sympathy for that part of the outer world that does not share your views. Your basic spiritual alignment brings sympathy and compassion for each other, and sharing of music, drama, and also a sense of mysticism. You also may encounter some degree of dissipation or disillusion, perhaps the desire to escape from life's hardships into worlds of your own, but primarily you are happily joined, sensually, as well as spiritually.

Yoongi's Pluto in strong sextile
(within 1.1 degrees) with Jimin's Uranus

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Uranus in flowing relation with Pluto, reflects a mutual interest in the partnership for group endeavor towards specific goals, and humanitarian effort. There is likely to be an emphasis in your relationship on social conscience, and testing of the group psyche. There may be a rebellious attitude that you both share, which encourages versatility and self-expression into unknown or unexplored realms. You feel the nature of ageless wisdom coming through you, giving you a strong push to support each other in progress toward transformation.

Yoongi's Ascendant in strong opposition
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jimin's Mercury
Leading planet of planetary pattern

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

Mercury in conjunction or opposition with partner's Ascendant brings communication and intelligence to the relationship and a sense of sharing. There is a healing and beneficial exchange and idealism between you involving all forms of contact and self-expression, which resolves into the benefit of knowledge, likely for Yoongi, while Jimin is given the opportunity for flowing ideas to their partner. You have a strong desire to communicate with each other and will have many lively and stimulating discussions together, perhaps in arts or entertainment fields. You will find mutual interests enlivening, as well as purposeful. Since Mercury rules the sign Virgo, and is the natural ruler of the sixth house, issues of health and service to others could also come up for the two of you in your relationship. The two of you are also well suited for dynamic interaction and social exchange with other people, associates, and siblings, as well as active pursuits such as travel. Or friends and siblings may connect through you.

Yoongi's Ascendant in strong opposition
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jimin's Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This inter-aspect, of Chiron in aspect to partner's Ascendant, leads to a certain degree of spiritual healing between you. For one or both of you, issues may come up concerning self-image and self-worth, and if so, these types of concerns may well be an important factor in the relationship. In any connection with another that is more than superficial, it is helpful, when recognizing flaws in the other person, to provide acceptance rather than criticism, and this aspect bodes well for such action. There is a way that a partner's inner wounds, the likely result of early childhood trauma, are a significant part of themselves that needs attention and healing presence. This aspect indicates that such a healing presence may well be found within this relationship. Important healing can take place when this wounded place is seen as a present, an important, and a respected part of the person. Good mutual understanding and interchange are then made possible.

Yoongi's Midheaven in strong sextile
(within 1.0 degrees) with Jimin's Venus
Ruler of sun sign - Sun's ruler

and Yoongi's Venus in opposition (within 3.9 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Venus in flowing relation with partner's Midheaven represents a good accord between you regarding plans and objectives and anticipates gain and perhaps even wealth stemming from your partnership, especially as you value the same things overall. Jimin provides a beneficial aesthetic sensibility, which also supports the career goals of Yoongi, while Yoongi takes a more practical and real-world approach. Together, you are enabled to make better choices and to find more workable and productive lines of approach in concert with each other, lending financial or economic assistance to your shared objectives. There is also likely to be an artistic side to the work you do together. Your relationship is founded on warmth and affection, pleasure and sensuality, along with a strong aesthetic sense between you. The appearance of being graceful in the eyes of the world is important, and you can ascend social circles with each other. Career direction and shared purposes between you are likely to go very well, as you are propelled toward success. Your relationship combines practical function with positive direction toward higher aspirations and you will grow and prosper together. Jimin provides encouragement and inspiration, while Yoongi receives and keeps the relationship on track. Your shared purpose is likely to include the artistic or musical or beautifying the world in some way.

Yoongi's Sun in inconjunct
(within 2.4 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

and Yoongi's Midheaven in quintile (within 1.2 degrees) with Jimin's Sun.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect, of the Sun in flowing relation with partner's Midheaven, indicates shared purpose and mutual objectives, usually with some recognition or rewards in creative areas, perhaps sports, entertainment, business, or leadership roles. There can be mutual benefit, with one partner being the producer/director while the other is the actor, to choose an example from film work. It is likely that one partner, perhaps Jimin, is the more compelling leader, while the other contributes a strong second to the original motion. You have an invitation to succeed and rise to higher purpose together, whether creative, or with children, or for just plain fun with each other. Public life may be involved, and the possibility is also there for some authoritarian disagreements, although more likely creativity and enjoyment are increased when you are together. You will feel brighter, more playful, and more alive to your shared purpose through this relationship.

Yoongi's Mercury in inconjunct
(within 0.5 degrees) with Jimin's Sun
Angular planet - conjunct Midheaven

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

With this aspect, you have a terrific basis for communication in your relationship. There is also a great potential for teaching and learning new things through your partnership. Jimin is likely the teacher, while Yoongi, possibly younger, is more eager to learn. You undoubtedly have sharp and witty exchanges, and many interests in common. Your relationship is likely to involve siblings and many social contacts; outside interests may charm you more than being at home. You enjoy lively interaction, the movement of travel, or exploring ideas together. You work together well, with room for inventive fantasy as well as practical understanding, enlivening loving approaches and shared purpose. Planning and organizing together is beneficial for you, with agreements strongly and clearly made. Most likely the two of you will have a happy connection with each other, productive of joy and wisdom.

Yoongi's Mercury in sesquiquadrate
(within 0.3 degrees) with Jimin's Venus
Ruler of sun sign - Sun's ruler

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required.

This aspect, of Mercury in minor dynamic relation with partner's Venus, represents congenial sharing, with communication and creativity from different perspectives highlighted. This is a good aspect for mutual self-expression, artistic creativity, and enjoyment. You have different points of view on aesthetic matters, but you can bring these differences into a healthy mix in which the two points of view are each represented, although there is also a chance that you may operate at cross-purposes over these types of issues. You will also likely share in the enjoyment of film and books, of writing and the arts. But you may at times find that affections are not received well or responses arise which do not in kind share these sentiments of warmth. The amiable factor of this aspect allows good possibilities for coming together, although there may be disconnects such as cases where one partner's sense of calculation may not be admired, or one tries to do and think too much, while the other is more sensually or materially directed. In business, you can expect cooperation and blending of different styles leading to success and achievement together if the two of you show a willingness to put aside your differences and support and sympathize with each other. Your close touch with each other's sense of aesthetics should serve to keep the partnership agreement on track.

Yoongi's Mercury in sextile
(within 4.0 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Mercury in flowing relation with partner's Neptune, inspires and spiritualizes your relationship. Sharing discoveries in music or the arts may well provide encouragement, inspiration, and support for each other. Telepathy and intuition, imagination, and sympathy are part of your partnership make-up. It may be that Jimin idealizes the intellectual accomplishments of Yoongi. You will enjoy spiritual vitality in your relationship, combining intuition and mind, and also sympathetic support for each other. Fantasy may play a part in your shared experience. You may well find work in the arts, or hospitals, or other institutions of service together. In terms of personal transformation, movement is possible where Yoongi works in a more creative or spiritual direction, while Jimin, who may be more the dreamer in the relationship, becomes more logical and decisive through the partnership interaction. Together, your ability to serve and give to each other and others is enhanced.

Yoongi's Mercury in inconjunct
(within 2.8 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

and Yoongi's Midheaven in square (within 2.6 degrees) with Jimin's Mercury.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Mercury in square with partner's Midheaven, brings new insights, a chance of excellent cooperation between you and communication exchanges that may be quite useful, along with the possibility of challenges to career or purpose between you. This primarily amiable connection coordinates you as co-workers by allowing for stimulating communication and the sharing of practical purposes between you. However, business plans may change often, or without prior agreement, or you may encounter delays, or not enough attention to detail on the part of one of the partners, or other areas of potential partnership disagreement. There is some degree of intellectual focus in your relationship, and you may well have educational goals as a partnership. You are also likely to experience some degree of organizing by attention to detail and perhaps may travel together for career or business purposes. Siblings and friends could be connected to the purpose you share, and you may have met through school, or some other educational format, or via computer work. In any case, you can expect order and precision in your relationship, along with meaningful and productive exchanges, although you may be somewhat at odds with each other over career choices or decisions involving your public persona. You also may be inclined to being helpful to others, perhaps involving teaching or interacting with young people.

Yoongi's Venus in semi-sextile
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

This aspect, of Venus in minor dynamic relation with partner's Saturn, is stabilizing and grounding to the partnership, lending practical function and productive creativity for fruitful design projects together. Excess tends to be controlled, and constancy the norm. On the other hand, values are not easily shared between you, and one partner may try to exercise more control than the other or judgmental behavior may arise. The relationship can really be put to the test through restrictions, demands, or other acts of selfishness. One side of the partnership may be more giving than the other, or limited economic circumstances may cause friction or discomfort.

Yoongi's Venus in square
(within 2.9 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect, of Venus in square with partner's Neptune, there may be illusions or deceptions to work through. True motivations are hard to express or realize. There is likely to be a warm feeling of sympathy between you, but it is also possible that what is promised may never actually be delivered, even though both sides operate in good faith. In a romantic context, this aspect indicates idealized love, spiritual feeling, and artistic sharing. This aspect represents a heightened sensitivity in which both parties are almost magnetically attracted to each other. Unfortunately, there also can be a subsequent loss of empathy or a lack of true consideration of the other's needs. The illusion of love may be difficult to metamorphose into a reality. Infidelity, or eventual drifting apart, is possible, although the artistic side of the relationship can benefit. Sympathy and compassion are included in this connection, as you can see your way to it, through the pitfalls of the potential illusions.

Yoongi's Mars in inconjunct
(within 1.2 degrees) with Jimin's Jupiter
Ruler of Rising Sign

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect of Mars in flowing relation with partner's Jupiter indicates enhanced physical abundance and cooperative synergy between you. These planets work extremely well together since they both partake of the nature of the Fire element, representing enhanced movement to act and a better understanding of that action. Forcefulness and reason combine well, and this aspect symbolizes the positive stimulation of mutual ambition and lends an air of beneficial helpfulness to partnership activities. Work associations between you are likely to involve both energy and intelligence. This mutual excitement can cause problems only in that a tendency to relax or miss points of precision could occur in your exuberance to move into positive territory too quickly. You will find the partnership possesses confidence born of zeal and enthusiasm. You are inclined to be open and frank with each other, fundamentally wise and energetic in your decision-making. This is a happy and active connection, especially helpful in marriage. You share athletics, the enjoyment of nature and recreation together as well as congenial exciting friendships. This aspect indicates a healthy sense of expansion and higher vision between you. The partnership will benefit from the ability to dream and from the energy required to make those dreams a reality.

Yoongi's Jupiter in conjunction
(within 3.6 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect of Jupiter in dynamic relation with partner's Midheaven symbolizes a connection likely to bring fortune, grace, wisdom, spiritual realization, and growth in shared purposes to your relationship. Business interests between you are supported as well as philosophy and educational goals. The nature of this connection is for you to give each other great spiritual support for expanded plans and career goals. Yoongi provides a great deal of enthusiasm with Jimin providing the directional focus. There is generosity and enthusiasm between you, zeal to succeed, and wisdom to identify proper objectives. There is responsiveness and good sharing between you: Wit and humor, trust and mutual support, faith in spiritual connections that can bring your goals to fruition. A sense of independence and also freedom together is an important part of the mix.

Yoongi's Saturn in quintile
(within 0.3 degrees) with Jimin's Jupiter
Ruler of Rising Sign

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

This aspect of Jupiter in flowing relation with partner's Saturn represents a healthy balance of expansion and limitation in your partnership. There is a good combination between you of enthusiasm and the wisdom of practicality with Yoongi providing focus and Jimin providing a sense of exuberant joy and positive initiative. The prudent and expansive tendencies in your partnership combine for effective expansion, dynamic production, and efficiency. In a romantic context, this aspect indicates a fortunate and stabilizing influence within your partnership, productive of long-term benefits for you both, with good administrative ability, goal-oriented function, and control of over-confident behavior. Generally speaking, Jimin provides the higher picture for the developing practical nature of Yoongi, who tends to provide stability and keep a firm hand on the tiller. There might be a tendency for Yoongi to delay celebration or dampen enthusiasm, but on the whole, this is a very supportive, balancing, and harmonious connection. When adjustments are necessary, both of you will know they are for the best and take advantage of the new situation you find yourselves in.

Yoongi's Saturn in sextile
(within 3.1 degrees) with Jimin's Ascendant

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Saturn in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant, indicates a practical side to the relationship that can feel like a limitation, duty, or burdens of some kind. This represents a purposeful interaction but also indicates some form of perhaps self-imposed discipline experienced by the partners. The imposed control is likely felt most strongly by Jimin, although it may be the other way around. The discipline and restriction engendered by this partnership can be supportive and productive as well, and helpful in working through problems together. There is likely a tendency toward practical and effective daily function, forcing one partner to produce or to insure the relationship in some way. The ability to bear burdens and share tasks with each other is part of all this, and your relationship is likely to excel with this aspect.

Yoongi's Uranus in sextile
(within 3.3 degrees) with Jimin's Mars

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect of Mars in flowing relation with partner's Uranus promotes creative innovation in science, mechanics, or enterprise, and confident adventuring together. The partnership may exhibit progressive or rebellious tendencies with a focus on humanitarian effort. There is a good foundation for a shared new vision between you, a lively intellectual and questing spirit no longer tolerant of an outmoded status quo. With this aspect, you are both strong-willed and may be all too well inclined to risky behavior. But uncertainty can be stimulating like on mountain climbing journeys. Together, you possess a strength of purpose that can take you far with each other, especially in the areas of humanitarian, technical, international, and universal objectives.

Yoongi's Neptune in sextile
(within 3.9 degrees) with Jimin's Mars

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect of Mars in flowing relation with partner's Neptune indicates a spiritually rich relationship. Together, your creative values support art, drama, and music, or perhaps mystical investigations. A willingness to sacrifice for the higher good may also be included with an inclination to do work in the helping professions together or to support the needy. There is also a strong inspiration present for compassionate action together. This is about highlighting the sensitivity of the physical to the spiritual, creative, or artistic. Combined, these elements can make for a productive and uplifting relationship, to broaden the scope and align with higher goals, spiritually, or in the service of practical areas of life.

Yoongi's Pluto in sextile
(within 2.7 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Neptune in flowing relation with Pluto is a generational aspect that applies to many people in your same general age groups. For this reason, less emphasis is placed on the symbolic connection implied by the joining of these two planetary energies. However, that said, the symbolism of these planets does indicate that you have a powerful spiritual component in your partnership with each other. The empowerment represented by the Pluto energy conjoins with the spiritual dimension of higher reality indicated by Neptune, to create sympathy with great depth of passion that can light the way to a higher purpose in your mutual endeavors with each other.

Yoongi's Pluto in conjunction
(within 3.5 degrees) with Jimin's Pluto

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

Pluto conjunct Pluto is a generational influence empowering group effort and karmic ties between groups. You are peers holding similar values who share like world views and perspectives.

Yoongi's Chiron in inconjunct
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

With this inter-aspect, of Saturn in flowing aspect with partner's Chiron, there could be childhood wounds with dynamics of power and control present in the background of one or both partners. These could be pertinent or potentially triggered, in the context of your relationship, resulting in an eventual movement toward healing. These types of issues usually are the residue of unresolved trauma arising from misplaced parental control that took place in early childhood, leading to the mistrust into adulthood of any kind of authority. When controlling behavior comes up between you, the key is that there be understanding prioritized over disparagement, acceptance rather than rejection as problematic behavior, and constructive criticism that is also a reality check. The reflection of your concerns with authority and control that is to be found in your partner's gaze, as they give attention to you, can provide definite help with your coming to terms with these issues. If one partner is perceived as acting critical to the other, rather than off-putting, this might come to be seen as an illusion of perspective.

Yoongi's Chiron in sextile
(within 2.5 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

and Yoongi's Midheaven in square (within 2.4 degrees) with Jimin's Chiron.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This inter-aspect, of Chiron in aspect to partner's Midheaven, leads to a certain amount of focus between you on healing issues related to authority, and to feeling at ease about showing up in the world. For one or both of you, issues could have come up concerning self-image or being able to feel good about past associations with authority figures, and if so, these types of concerns may be highlighted and therefore up for discussion and eventual healing. The key for both of you is that you accept this partner in their entirety, warts and all. There is a way that a partner's inner wounds, the likely result of early childhood trauma, are a significant part of themselves that needs attention and healing presence. Important healing can take place when this wounded place is seen as a present, an important, and a respected part of the person. Good mutual understanding and interchange are then made possible.

Yoongi's Ascendant in inconjunct
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jimin's Venus
Ruler of sun sign - Sun's ruler

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect, of Venus in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant symbolizes strong feelings of affection between the partners. Your relationship has a great deal of personal warmth, harmony, and pleasure, as well as the likelihood of social interaction with friends or associates. Economic activity is encouraged between you, and your partnership has definite earning potential. It is also possible that artistic endeavors form an important basis for your partnership connection. In a romantic context, you share warmth and material values, and bathe in relaxed receptive loving sensations with each other, with displays of beauty and fashion interest, or self-expression involving art or music. You have a magnetic appeal for each other, and the attraction is strong, with perhaps one of you aligned more deeply with the feelings or purposes of their partner. The relationship motive between you is well supported, with Jimin likely to bring love, beauty, and affection to Yoongi. There can be much mutual pleasure. You enjoy making purchases together. There is a sense of shared aesthetics between you, and the attraction, appeal, and sensuality that exists can also spill over into many other areas. This aspect describes an entirely pleasurable and harmonious connection between you.

Yoongi's Ascendant in quintile
(within 0.5 degrees) with Jimin's Neptune

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

This aspect of Neptune in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant indicates a spiritualizing influence of your relationship that affects both partners. Together you are likely to have a focus of artistic creativity, and perhaps also of service or being helpful to others. Jimin is likely to embody these qualities, while Yoongi receives the benefit. This aspect also indicates inspiration, sympathy, and perhaps confusion. There may be some sacrifice of material for spiritual values, and compassion and sacrifice come into play as well. Support is available in your relationship to heal, to be sensitive, and to feel reverence and devotion. Creativity between you will be applied with good results, although practicality is not the strongest point in your connection. Lack of attachment to earthly things may involve you in other-worldly pursuits. There may be some form of caretaking of one for the other, or sympathetic feelings, giving without the need of return, perhaps sacrificing for one another, generally a sensitivity to each other's feelings and hopes. Some dissolving of issues, and patterns, and loss of practicality, perhaps living in a fantasy world of dreamy desire. Yet your relationship overall is spiritually positive, with trust and faith between you that will grow. There is much love and compassion, gentle simplicity, and there is likely to be a sense of sensual enjoyment between you as well.

Yoongi's Sun in weak square
(within 7.9 degrees) with Jimin's Moon
Focal planet of planetary pattern

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect, of Sun in square with partner's Moon, although you have a strong connection with each other, there are likely to be differences of ego, focus, or ideals between you. When one of you leads the other may not follow, or the pattern of your mutual attention to goals may not be entirely in sync with each other. One partner's primary creative energy may be thwarted in relation to the other's, resulting in emotional difficulties or conflicts of will in your partnership. In a romantic context, this aspect symbolizes what is, on the whole, a good relationship, including warmth and camaraderie between you, but one that requires adjustment, or the application of restraint and practicality. You like each other, and feel comfortable and comforted, but you may not always share equally, or exchange sympathetically, because you are coming from such different places. You may find yourselves wondering what pulls you together. Overly emotional conflicts can intervene to spoil potential harmony. You definitely have strong feelings for each other, but not necessarily an accord, so that your chances of long-term commitment are seriously challenged. And yet higher love may also result. If you can remain mature in your outlook the bond can be strong between you. Since your mutual empowerment is only partially aligned, with one person perhaps drifting away into other areas, this instability may make one of you feel disconnected, upsetting any accord you may have. It is also possible that family outside the relationship may adversely affect it, or that one partner's self-will and need for approval, or independent action, can be draining to the other. You can work through these difficulties, however, by taking the high road based on mature agreements and creative direction with a more spiritual sharing of purpose.

Yoongi's Sun in weak square
(within 8.9 degrees) with Jimin's Ascendant

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Sun in square to partner's Ascendant symbolizes light, creativity, purpose, and enjoyment in your relationship. There may be positive movement, and even well-connected coordination of effort, enthusiasm. Yet there are some subtle differences in style, or type, which has the potential for conflict, testing individual acceptance and patience between you. You can form a balance by utilizing the creative vitality you share for a united purpose, aligning your individual and unique natures. You continually operate in some type of creative mode with each other. Your childlike nature is likely to come out through this relationship, and the potential for mutual enjoyment is high, although health issues may arise between you, or there may be the sense of one person wanting more out of the relationship, or not feeling like they get enough attention. The motivations you carry into worldly purpose may not coincide, or you may prefer to work in different areas. Combining your goals as a united front requires effort and forms of compromise.

Yoongi's Moon in weak conjunction
(within 9.1 degrees) with Jimin's Mercury
Leading planet of planetary pattern

and Yoongi's Mercury in weak square (within 8.4 degrees) with Jimin's Moon.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of the Moon in conjunction with partner's Mercury, symbolizes a congenial and graceful rapport with each other. With this aspect, your feelings are easily communicated to your partner. Your instincts are to change and learn together; there is likely to be a sense of personal transition brought about by this relationship, a feeling of something new and different in your lives. Jimin will be excited and moved by Yoongi's ideas, and Jimin will act as an enabler for the emotional or unconscious drives of Yoongi. Emotions and mental vision are well blended between you, and you work together smoothly as a team. This aspect represents the alignment of purpose with feeling; the ability to be with change and to operate well with adaptations in the environment. It is particularly well-suited for work with children that you may do together. You have an enthusiasm for the same things. There is a notion of purposeful distinctions in the shared design of your life together. You may find yourselves working with friends or the public. This aspect promotes a meeting of the minds around issues such as home and environment, planned family trips, enjoying film, books, and the arts generally, as well as making productive changes in your lives together.

Yoongi's Moon in weak opposition
(within 6.7 degrees) with Jimin's Saturn

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this aspect, of the Moon in dynamic relation with partner's Saturn, you have a good basis for stability and responsibility in your partnership. This is an indicator of restrictions and self-imposed discipline in your relationship, although there may be a sense that the restrictive behavior comes more from Jimin, who may also appear to be critical or demanding at times. There is likely to be a recognition of the restrictions of practical necessity, calling for a self-reliant attitude. Although your partnership may be sober and serious at times, this aspect also indicates good prospects for long-term loyalty and effective cooperation together. You may cherish the sense of being together as a unit, and may also feel somewhat isolated at times, or feel that you are united against the world perhaps. You can expect some limitation of expansive fantasy and honing in of awareness, based on emotional control exerted by your partner which therefore makes for more clarity and supports movement toward cherished goals. You have the determination to work together as a team, with the capacity to function well materially. You may also feel a sense of obligation and duties, perhaps to friends and family. There is the possibility of controlling behavior, especially on the part of Jimin toward Yoongi. Yoongi could feel stifled, or let down, but also may sense the practical and supportive nature of Jimin, who helps keep partnership progress toward shared goals and objectives on track. You may be put off by a feeling that your partner is too closed, or a feeling of emotional restriction, but you do well when you focus on shared objectives. The sign and house position of the Moon and Saturn in each partner's chart will more closely indicate the area of shared interaction. It will be helpful if you try to move beyond any fears you may have regarding intimacy, which can leave you or your partner feeling left out, lonely or undesirable, and do some work on yourselves. You may accomplish much regarding your inner development through these interactions with each other.

Yoongi's Moon in weak conjunction
(within 8.9 degrees) with Jimin's Chiron

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This inter-aspect, of Moon conjunct partner's Chiron, implies that the recognition and the eventual healing of certain issues from the past might prove to be an important theme of your relationship with each other. In either a romantic or a non-romantic connection, you come together in a nurturing way that is quite evident to both of you. There is a great deal of simple acceptance on each side for who you actually are in your totality so that you feel seen by your partner. If ancient wounds exist, from ineffective nurturing in the past, or from a damaged relationship of either partner with a mother figure from their early childhood, there could be healing available in this relationship. The acceptance that is provided in this relationship connection, could be vital in promoting your own self-acceptance. There could also be additional nurturing that one or both of you engage in, such as with children. Any issues that may come up in regard to parenting could also become a factor in the relationship connection, in the affection that you feel for one another, and in the healing that is provided.

Yoongi's Mars in weak square
(within 4.7 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect of Mars in square with partner's Midheaven, there is energy for the coordination of shared goals and partnership motivation, although some conflict over objectives is also possible. You can energize a positive direction into achievement together, or else your personalities may clash regarding worldly purpose and direction. While Yoongi is likely to provide energy in support of Jimin's career, it may feel like pushing too hard, or the advice may not be well received. There can be a good deal of rivalry or testing between you since you are both strong-willed in this interaction. It would be better to organize actions together and attempt to reach some union of purpose with each other. There may be difficulties in seeing eye-to-eye on these issues. There may also be an inclination to restlessness or the tendency not to complete what was begun or some general impatience between you. Plans and aspirations you have together may not be fully shared. One of you may prefer to take one direction, and one the other, or rashly swift action may not be appreciated, or pride or impulsive action may get in the way of your goals. You have strength in execution and the ability to lead, and there are definitely two leaders in your relationship. If you can work with each other and harmonize the unique blends of your abilities, you may achieve much on a practical level. The combination you have with each other is dynamic.

Yoongi's Jupiter in weak conjunction
(within 7.4 degrees) with Jimin's Mercury
Leading planet of planetary pattern

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Mercury in conjunction with partner's Jupiter, symbolizes a broad and expansive approach to communications, travel, and to the many subject matters of interest to you and your partner. With this aspect, you are likely to open wider horizons both physically and mentally and mutually inspire yourselves or others in the areas of education, religion, and forms of higher philosophical musings. You have a great verbal connection between you and enjoy sharing your visions for the future with each other. Yoongi will ignite the work, direction, and practical nature of Jimin, who in turn gives logic and reason to the expansiveness of Yoongi. This expansionist and forward-going thinking in your partnership supplies it with good decision-making capability along with idealism. You will find communication bliss, enjoyment of travel, and shared wisdom. It is likely to be quite engaging and interesting for you to be with each other, exploring, observing, and generally commenting on everything you see around you. The potential is there for great rapport between you, with vibrant sharing, expansion of vision, and ideals well suited to your goals. Your relationship is blessed also concerning the balance of mind and intuition you each bring to the mix. You will share creative expressions enlivened intellectually or philosophically as well as goodwill and humor in your union. You work well together, and you give support to each other for the best use of individual talents, inclining toward advancement or possible honors.

Yoongi's Jupiter in weak conjunction
(within 7.6 degrees) with Jimin's Chiron

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

With this inter-aspect, of Jupiter conjunct partner's Chiron, likely the wound of internal beliefs being at odds with parental figures could come up for revisioning and eventual healing. One partner or the other might have had issues, stemming from childhood, of distinct differences from parental dogma that troubles them at times, given the natural expectation that parents have for their offspring and the pain of diverging from those expectations. There is a way that this partnership interaction can soothe these types of trauma; so that these issues, extending into present time, can be productively worked on and moved toward healing in the context of this relationship. A mutual joy might be present, for digging into the deeper layers of each other's psyches and thus getting to more fully know and understand one another. There could also be developing awareness of the idiosyncrasies of your belief system, in contrast to your partner's, providing great philosophical depths of discussion.

Yoongi's Saturn in weak square
(within 4.8 degrees) with Jimin's Pluto

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This connection, of Saturn in dynamic aspect with partner's Pluto, represents a relationship that has a deep and serious side, and which may be transformative for both partners. There is a subtle tension involved that may not be obvious immediately, but which represents hidden emotions that are underlying your relationship, and which may reflect a karmic pattern or past-life connection with each other. These emotions may be expressed as resentment, or feelings of enmity may come up for one or both of you. There is a transformer and reformer within your relationship, which could be expressed by either partner, challenging you to rise above, work more effectively on inner issues, and enable your evolutionary progress. You have great energy for this struggle and will apply all the self-discipline that could be required in these dark matters, to bring them ultimately into the light. All this can make things seem quite serious, or may engender strong feelings of denial and limitation in connection with your partner, but in the end, for a specific purpose.

Yoongi's Uranus in weak conjunction
(within 5.3 degrees) with Jimin's Uranus

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Uranus in conjunction with partner's Uranus, is a generational connection in which partners of the same age are linked and indicates many mutually shared interests in a relationship between two people generally friendly toward and understanding of their partner. Science, technology, and education are enhanced or otherwise emphasized, and other factors such as inventiveness, rebellion, or individual freedom may well come up for you in your relationship. There is also the strong possibility of shared altruism and other compatible humanitarian objectives, which highlight each of your unique individual initiatives. You may find yourselves in agreement regarding ideas that are future-oriented and perhaps eccentric from the standpoint of consensus reality. You are likely to be friends, like-minded with a sense of uniqueness appreciated between you. It may be that having good times with others represents a powerful factor in your relationship. Friendship and cooperation are built through the area of your shared interest, as indicated by the house position of Uranus in your individual charts.

Yoongi's Uranus in weak square
(within 5.2 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Uranus in square with partner's Midheaven, makes for disorder, or lack of agreement between the partners, perhaps with one wishing to conserve, the other to innovate. This relationship also has the potential for very wide acceptance, good friendship, and broad-minded viewpoints between you. You come together intending to change humanity, and alert the world to new visions. The technological, scientific, and multi-cultural hold appeal for you and work in these areas is supported. In a romantic context, this aspect indicates a relationship that is mildly offsetting and may be impersonal, as outside conditions could be the cause of disorder or complications between you. The practical in your relationship does not mix well with changing conditions, yet the combination can produce insight and many unique attributes of productive work. Your relationship may fluctuate wildly between excitement and rebellion versus control and downtime to rest. Progress could be delayed, or freedom not necessarily promoted. And yet unusual success can come through your involvement with each other. It is best not to try to control or limit the freedoms and unique character of your partner by forcing them into old habits or directions. This relationship needs space and openness to work out if it is to work out at all.

Yoongi's Neptune in weak square
(within 4.6 degrees) with Jimin's Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Neptune in square with partner's Midheaven gives you a good basis for spiritual endeavors with each other. However, there can be doubts and inhibitions between you, or simply one person does not acknowledge the boundaries of the other. Your partnership is aligned with mystical purpose, involving potentially the arts, drama, music, perhaps areas of the occult or psychic powers, and healing. Mutual support for each other is implied, and also creative effort and there may be a sense of sacrifice or burdens which you feel necessary to maintain together, but these can turn into joys with the compassion that comes through shared inspiration and service. You encounter loving support and spiritual values in your relationship, although you also may encounter difficulties such as a lack of attention of one partner to the other, or simply one is more spiritual and less materially concerned. Finances may be less noticed on the part of one partner. Offsetting these practical challenges, together you possess a calm, congenial sympathy that sustains life goals not depending on material manifestation. You are extremely sensitive to each other's emotions, and there can be telepathic support for each other, with much idealism and mutual devotion.

Yoongi's Chiron in weak square
(within 6.0 degrees) with Jimin's Mars

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This inter-aspect of Mars in dynamic aspect with partner's Chiron indicates that there are likely to be anger incidences between the partners, leading to outbursts or fights, due to each individual’s hidden wounds being triggered. There can be displays of anger that had formerly been long suppressed and this can be cathartic. It might require hard work and a great deal of acceptance to bring healing about, but the results will show the worth of this effort, long-term. The important factor in this, so that healing can take place, is that each partner becomes as clear as possible about taking ownership for their inner wounding that is revealed in this way. After this is acknowledged, the fundamental respect and regard that the partners have for each other can become more fully beneficial. It is obviously helpful if the two of you can recognize that any anger that emerges from time to time between you is a natural emotion, to be worked with rather than avoided so that you can move toward greater integration of the dark places within you.


Relationships are such a special part of our lives! I hope you enjoyed this sample of a platonic- friend relationship of these celebrities.

The compatibility report is a wonderful way to gain more appreciation for the strengths and challenges of our relationships and helps with proper expectations as one begins to realize that all relationships have both positive and more challenging aspects.

The challenges are nothing to fear if you understand that relationships that are good, and valuable to our soul, are those that encourage our spiritual growth. When you understand the purpose of the challenge, you will appreciate your partner for their role in your life so much more!

If you would like to receive these valuable insights for your romantic, or any other type of relationship- parent/ child, employer/ employee, and/ or friends, please check out the Compatibility Report on my website. The Composite or report of the purpose of the relationship is another available report to explore.

The written reports are comprehensive but if you have specific concerns in a particular area of life; relationships, career, or life direction for example, a personalized Astrological Guidance Reading consisting of a 90 minute pre-recorded video addressing your specific concerns is invaluable. The reading not only addresses life themes but using current astrological transits, examines the current planetary positions and the influences on your current situation and life circumstances.

Click the link here to find out more Astrology 1.5 Hour Video Reading or check out our website at www.barbbrightcoaching.com.


Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign.

Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below.

Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees

Square — 90° ± 8 degrees

Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees

Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees

Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees

Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees

Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined.

Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity.

Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in "your monthly horoscope."

Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses.

Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth.

Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny.

Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto.

Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.

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