Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck Romantic Compatibility Astro Sample Report

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck Romantic Compatibility Astro Sample Report

Hollywood Celebrities

Astrological Compatibility Report

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck

Compatibility Report for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck

Jennifer: Jul 24, 1969, 05:49:00 EDT New York, NY (40N43, 74W00)
Ben: Aug 15, 1972, 2:53:00 PDT Berkeley, CA (37N52, 122W16)

Interpretation text by Henry Seltzer
Copyright 1999 - 2021 Astrograph Software, Inc.

Astrograph Software
Bright Insights
Barb Bright
[email protected]


The Compatibility Report compares two individual's natal charts and examines the inter-aspects or synastry between them. In the following report, each aspect is examined to reveal the basic qualities of your interaction, with the most important factors listed first. Please keep in mind that these descriptions are not meant to put limitations on the relationship, but merely to describe its inherent tendencies. Challenging aspects can become the greatest strength of a relationship if you can both learn how to successfully navigate those issues, with good communication between you playing a vital role. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report.

Important Features

Ben's Moon in square
(within 3.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

and Ben's Sun in strong square (within 3.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Moon.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect, of Sun in square with partner's Moon, although you have a strong connection with each other, there are likely to be differences of ego, focus, or ideals between you. When one of you leads the other may not follow, or the pattern of your mutual attention to goals may not be entirely in sync with each other. One partner's primary creative energy may be thwarted in relation to the other's, resulting in emotional difficulties or conflicts of will in your partnership. In a romantic context, this aspect symbolizes what is, on the whole, a good relationship, including warmth and camaraderie between you, but one that requires adjustment, or the application of restraint and practicality. You like each other, and feel comfortable and comforted, but you may not always share equally, or exchange sympathetically, because you are coming from such different places. You may find yourselves wondering what pulls you together. Overly emotional conflicts can intervene to spoil potential harmony. You definitely have strong feelings for each other, but not necessarily an accord, so that your chances of long-term commitment are seriously challenged. And yet higher love may also result. If you can remain mature in your outlook the bond can be strong between you. Since your mutual empowerment is only partially aligned, with one person perhaps drifting away into other areas, this instability may make one of you feel disconnected, upsetting any accord you may have. It is also possible that family outside the relationship may adversely affect it, or that one partner's self-will and need for approval, or independent action, can be draining to the other. You can work through these difficulties, however, by taking the high road based on mature agreements and creative direction with a more spiritual sharing of purpose.

Ben's Neptune in strong trine
(within 1.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

and Ben's Sun in square (within 3.3 degrees) with Jennifer's Neptune.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Neptune, symbolizes a sensitive, compassionate and supportive connection between you. Your partnership is likely to be strongly spiritual as well as artistically creative. There is a sense of giving and support on the part of Ben for Jennifer. Sensitive and telepathic, you share interests, as Ben provides nurturing for the creative fire of Jennifer, while Jennifer gives light and leadership to the more variable Ben. You are creative together, without need for detail or technique, and share a caretaking sympathy for one another as well as for mankind at large, and for that matter, for life in general, but without a sense of duty or obligation. Your relationship may well provide spiritual leadership for others. In a romantic context, this aspect indicates a spiritual, artistic, sympathetic, and sensual connection, that feeds strength and creativity into your partnership. You feel and empathize together, enjoying mutual passions, and may use imagination in your lovemaking. Both of you share the feeling of being taken care of in this relationship. There may be a sense of a psychic link with each other, or of feeling harmonized by higher senses, which may take you to fantasy and imagination worlds together. You will always enjoy film, arts, and artistic creativity with each other. Your lives together are likely to be sympathetically responsive and spiritually satisfying.

Ben's Pluto in strong sextile
(within 0.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

and Ben's Sun in semi-sextile (within 0.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Pluto.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Pluto symbolizes transformation and radical change as an important part of your relationship. It signals potential major life changes, with empowerment and growth for both partners. Other attributes include the will to succeed and some sense of the depth of interaction between you. Your partnership is likely to be productive, motivated, and empowered. You may find work in dangerous fields or with forms of regeneration or depth psychology. Perhaps deep religious convictions on the part of one or both partners may be part of the mix. Together, you may discover untapped sources of strength as your partnership evolves, bringing a renewed confidence, and awareness of your true path. In a romantic context, this aspect represents a contact that is strongly even overwhelmingly empowering, sensual and passionate in sexual expression. You feel a magnetic attraction for each other and may feel some sense of having known each other in a past life or other depth connection. Together you have a strong will to play and create together, to desire and motivate each other, and to make needed changes. A relatively welcome confrontation of the hidden parts of each partner may also take place, to achieve a new level of understanding. Change is inevitable through your relationship, as you confront to replace those portions of behavior that have outgrown their usefulness.

Ben's Moon in strong square
(within 1.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of the Moon in square with partner's Mercury, indicates an out-of-balance condition in your communication that requires constant adjustment for smooth functioning between you. Some part of the basic direction you take with each other divides thought from feeling. You may not be able to agree, because one wants what is practical and the other tends toward emotional considerations, or one is more mental and the other sensitive. Together, you can strike a balance by uniting thought and feeling, but this is not always easy. In a romantic connection, there is a potential for missed communication, separate viewpoints, or otherwise not clear contact with each other. These difficulties can be overcome with mature understanding. Adaptation in your partnership to changes of feeling is needed. In dealing with these disharmonies, it is best not to push ideas or force emotional viewpoints on each other, but to regard communication mishaps as merely a challenge requiring adjustment. The process of finding harmony with each other includes living in practical modes of connection, of developing individual traits that can help both, like planning and building a garden together.

Ben's Mars in square
(within 4.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Moon

and Ben's Moon in semi-sextile (within 1.3 degrees) with Jennifer's Mars.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

With this aspect, of the Moon in minor dynamic relation with partner's Mars, your partnership is active and may suffer from a drive to control on the part of one of you, and some disagreement about home life or purposes together. One partner may be faster or bolder than the other, and risks may be taken when they should be avoided. In a romantic context, this aspect inclines towards sympathetic passion, romantic appeal, magnetism, and otherwise energetic responses. Physical attraction, and real enjoyment of family, and energetic exchanges with each other. You can expect more open expressions of emotions, even anger, between you, but most of the time these conflicts can be resolved. The engagement of primal instincts accompanies this aspect, along with physical expression, and a sense of athletic enjoyment with each other. Your relationship involves active participation together. This aspect can also indicate the potential for indiscretion, an inclination to temper or anger, desires gone a bit wild. Yet you also experience the will to be bonded in some way with each other, the drive for more feeling and just being more alive together.

Ben's Saturn in semi-square
(within 0.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

and Ben's Mercury in square (within 2.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Saturn.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required.

This aspect, of Mercury in dynamic relation with partner's Saturn, indicates the potential for restrictions, disputes, or disagreement in your relationship. You may find that you move in opposite directions, travel plans may not be not well supported, or cooperation may be hindered. The tendency is for Ben to be somewhat critical, discouraging, or apt to judgment. On the plus side, this aspect also reflects necessary submission to control and the awareness of proper boundaries. Also, Jennifer may learn much from Ben in the course of the relationship. In a romantic context, this aspect may enhance and deepen your connection by providing stability. The effect of Ben may be to slow down and present obstacles to the aims and ideas of Jennifer. Relationship growth is possible through shared agreements well thought out. You are challenged to move through these difficulties to a higher purpose and forge a lasting bond with each other.

Ben's Neptune in strong trine
(within 0.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of Mercury in flowing relation with partner's Neptune, inspires and spiritualizes your relationship. Sharing discoveries in music or the arts may well provide encouragement, inspiration, and support for each other. Telepathy and intuition, imagination, and sympathy are part of your partnership make-up. It may be that Ben idealizes the intellectual accomplishments of Jennifer. In a romantic context, this aspect inclines towards dream sharing, telepathy, feeling of empathy, sensitivity, and artistic brilliance together, or shared by one to the other. You will enjoy spiritual vitality in your relationship, combining intuition and mind, and also sympathetic support for each other. Fantasy may play a part in your shared experience. You may well find work in the arts, or hospitals, or other institutions of service together. In terms of personal transformation, movement is possible where Jennifer works in a more creative or spiritual direction, while Ben, who may be more the dreamer in the relationship, becomes more logical and decisive through the partnership interaction. Together, your ability to serve and give to each other and others is enhanced.

Ben's Saturn in strong conjunction
(within 0.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Venus

and Ben's Venus in strong sextile (within 0.8 degrees) with Jennifer's Saturn.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Venus in conjunction with partner's Saturn, is stabilizing and grounding to the partnership. The indications are there for practical function, stability, productive creativity, and fruitful design projects together. Excesses are controlled, and constancy is the norm. Responsibility and commitment are very much in the picture, with indications of a good ability to work together. There may be imbalances to work through, such as one partner being more giving than the other, or limited economic circumstances that cause friction or discomfort. In a romantic context, this aspect tends to tone down the romantic feeling but makes for a long-lasting and mutually respectful connection. This aspect may symbolize a connection between partners of different ages. In any case, Ben likely provides the more mature and stable influence, while Jennifer benefits and feels guided, hopefully not controlled. The practicality and groundedness of Ben may serve to stabilize the relationship, although not without cost to the warmth and amiable nature of Jennifer, who in turn may be seen as frivolous by the more serious and sober-minded Ben. In its more positive light, this aspect does promote a stable mixture of love and practicality, which can make a partnership really work.

Ben's Chiron in strong sextile
(within 1.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Venus

and Ben's Venus in strong square (within 0.7 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This inter-aspect, of Venus in square with partner's Chiron, indicates that in a romantic connection, there can be important understandings between you regarding your depth of connection, although this will usually require some hard work to allow these to resolve into an unalloyed benefit. There are wounded places inside each of us, that arise as a result of early childhood trauma, and that may fester away long into adulthood, in hidden places within the psyche, and in the context of this relationship, although they might cause tension to arise between you, these wounds need to be accepted and respected. The basic notion that the human condition comes with character flaws built into the mix is an apt way of regarding this particular inter-aspect. If you can manage it, with movement toward acceptance comes the willingness to provide a loving and compassionate mirror that has the effect of facilitating the healing of wounded places within.

Ben's Mars in square
(within 3.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Mars

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect of Mars opposite or square partner's Mars indicates that some form of struggle is a natural part of your partnership. You may find yourselves expressing combativeness, competition with each other, or simply drive and passion in action. You may clash on objectives and may wish to move in different directions. Differences in technical methods or expertise can also bring ego into play. This energetic behavior is both positive and stimulating, although there are differences in temperament and a great deal of passionate intensity, which can lead to rivalry between you or attempts at emotional control. In a romantic connection, you may unfold expressions of ecstasy and physical enjoyment but with a likelihood of conflicts, restlessness, or a lack of tolerance between you. Your relationship is energetic and engaged. You may be even too open and frank with each other for peaceful resolutions or inclined to be rash in your decision-making. There could be conflicts of will regarding the direction you ought to take as a partnership in which one will have to give in to the other. You need positive outlets for the expression of all that physical energy between you.

Ben's Neptune in strong conjunction
(within 1.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Mars

and Ben's Mars in weak square (within 4.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Neptune.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect of Mars in dynamic relation with partner's Neptune indicates a spiritually rich relationship. Together, your creative values support art, drama, and music, or perhaps mystical investigations. A willingness to sacrifice for the higher good may also be included with an inclination to do work in the helping professions together or to support the needy. The energy of Neptune is subtle and can also represent the power of illusion. There may be confusion or deception between the partners, or one person willing to move in a positive direction while the other seems to be just going along for the ride. In a romantic context, you encounter powerful emotions, sensuality, and subtle emotional excitement. This aspect may also incline to the use of imaginative love-making, fantasy, or tantric sexuality. You may be drawn magnetically to each other in "the honeymoon phase", and the challenge is not to find it a let-down when more sober reflections set in later on. You each may suffer from illusions regarding your partner's true motivations, and a struggle for clarity in the relationship may set in. It is also possible that you sublimate your desires with alternatives of an artistic or spiritual nature. You also have a strong inspiration present for compassionate action together as a unit. This aspect highlights the sensitivity of the physical to the spiritual, creative, or artistic. Combined, these factors can make for a productive and uplifting relationship, to broaden the scope and align with higher goals, spiritually, or in the service of more practical areas of life.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Ben's Neptune in strong trine
(within 1.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Ascendant

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect of Neptune in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant indicates a spiritualizing influence of your relationship that affects both partners. Together you are likely to have a focus of artistic creativity, and perhaps also of service or being helpful to others. Ben is likely to embody these qualities, while Jennifer receives the benefit. This aspect also indicates inspiration, sympathy, and perhaps confusion. There may be some sacrifice of material for spiritual values, and compassion and sacrifice come into play as well. Support is available in your relationship to heal, to be sensitive, and to feel reverence and devotion. Creativity between you will be applied with good results, although practicality is not the strongest point in your connection. In a romantic context, there is intuitive sharing, sympathy, and an empathic connection with your partner, the telepathic feeling of wisdom beyond knowing, with a sharing of artistic senses, as well as sensual enjoyment, especially of water and the ocean. Lack of attachment to earthly things may involve you in other-worldly pursuits. There may be some form of caretaking of one for the other, or sympathetic feelings, giving without the need of return, perhaps sacrificing for one another, generally a sensitivity to each other's feelings and hopes. Some dissolving of issues, and patterns, and loss of practicality, perhaps living in a fantasy world of dreamy desire. Yet your relationship overall is spiritually positive, with trust and faith between you that will grow. There is much love and compassion, gentle simplicity, and there is likely to be a sense of sensual enjoyment between you as well.

Ben's Pluto in strong sextile
(within 0.7 degrees) with Jennifer's Ascendant

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Pluto in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant symbolizes a depth of character to your relationship and likely represents some karmic or past-life connection, in which you recognize an almost telepathic understanding of each other and the purposes you share. Both of you have the potential to be willful, but combining your strivings into a unified direction can bring you great returns on investment of effort. In a romantic context, this aspect represents a powerful connection between you, with physical attraction and passion, some magnetic pull bringing you together. You encounter sensual lovemaking, perhaps dramatically so, along with a profound drive toward achievement, and some unusual depth of feeling for each other. Together, your creative urges can meet, and you may enter into new understandings relative to your adjustment, or engage in political enterprises of societal change. This relationship may be very important for your individual psyche, with insights provided that ignite transformational growth within you. There may be radical changes in store for one or both of you, and of course, the tendency is to cling to past behaviors and resist the pull of the new, but it is better not to struggle against your destiny.

Other Comparison Aspects

Ben's Jupiter in strong square
(within 2.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Uranus

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect of Jupiter in square or opposition with partner's Uranus represents an expansive and altruistic connection between you that can allow great freedom, vision, and independence to flourish in the partnership, although you may experience difficulty in bringing this great vision into the practical world. As a partnership, you may go off into the clouds with your grandiose visions rather than keep the focus on practical realities, although the reality may not be all it's cracked up to be. In a romantic context, you have a funny, joyful, articulate, and expansive connection, one that promotes friendship and openness between you. Friends and world contacts can be many and varied. Radical viewpoints are accepted, and as a partnership, you may feel different from the ordinary run of mankind in religious or social settings. You also may find that while one of you counsels wisely, the other is not always listening to this wisdom, well-reasoned as it may be. If you express the more extreme manifestations of reckless idealism and wild extravagance, it can lead you to joy but also loss. Your relationship may suffer from being rebellious or restless or just having too many things going on. You may find that you anticipate good fortune for the two of you just around the corner, but you may need to temper these dreams with practical considerations if they are to become real.

Ben's Saturn in strong sextile
(within 2.1 degrees) with Jennifer's Midheaven

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Saturn in flowing relation to partner's Midheaven, indicates a relationship with a strong practical basis, in which you feel comfortable with each other's goals and achievements. This is very good for mutual business plans and objectives. Ben will tend to have a stabilizing, perhaps limiting, effect on the partnership, while Jennifer provides necessary vision. There is perseverance and long-term stability implied by this interaction. Ben may take on the role of a mentor or teacher for Jennifer, and foster slow and steady progress toward better and more complete accomplishments in the long run. In a romantic connection, this aspect indicates a relationship that is serious and also highly practical, with the sense of working through limitations to reach goals, perseverance, and long-term considerations. Business interests and practical life functions may predominate, and a high degree of stability is indicated, which creates a lasting bond between you. This type of interaction, while not easy or light-hearted, can help you work together naturally and efficiently, especially if there are also lighter moments and good nature between you. Structure and workable planning are called for, and also perhaps letting go of ego-investment. But the public rise to achievement and development of life objectives are likely to be enhanced overall.

Ben's Uranus in strong opposition
(within 1.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Midheaven

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect, of Uranus conjunct or opposite partner's Midheaven, has the potential for very wide acceptance, good friendship, and broad-minded viewpoints between the partners. You come together intending to change humanity, and alert the world to new visions. The technological, scientific, and multi-cultural hold appeal for you and work in these areas is supported. Change of purpose is very likely. Worldly activity is involved somehow, with a picture of change, or adjustment, and new ways of handling the old world. Your shared altruism allows greater innovation, and there is fun and perhaps a rebellious nature as well. Ben is likely to bring more of these qualities, with Jennifer providing the focus and direction. In a romantic context, the focus of your partnership may be eclectic and strange, different and new. Agreements between you may be unusual or involve the world stage. Unusual success can come through your involvement with each other, or independent action lead to inter-dependent results. It is best not to try to control or limit the freedoms and unique character of your partner by forcing them into old habits or directions. This relationship needs space and openness to work well.

Ben's Neptune in strong sextile
(within 1.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Jupiter

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect of Jupiter in flowing relation with partner's Neptune makes for a highly spiritual as well as creative, sensitive, and intuitive partnership. There is likely to be a strong psychic connection between you. There is also idealism, realization of ideals, and artistic creativity, possibly religious or philosophical activities or acts of charity. In a romantic context, you give to each other with good intentions and generous support, and open acceptance of the other's weaknesses. You can perhaps also experience problems with self-indulgence. There is likely to be a propitious accumulation of wealth or honors for charitable work performed. One partner, perhaps Jennifer, provides a sense of wisdom and freedom, while Ben is giving and sensitive to Jennifer's needs. This aspect helps the partnership to last and speaks to higher motivations between you.

Ben's Neptune in strong sextile
(within 1.7 degrees) with Jennifer's Uranus

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Uranus in flowing relation with partner's Neptune, represents a great degree of shared spiritual development, and the potential of bringing a spiritual dimension to the worldly activity of the partnership. You care for the same things, in terms of the larger picture, and are inspired by events in the world to bring greater consciousness to it. You may feel a psychic connection between you. Artistic endeavors, as well as political and social movements, new ways of thinking and being, science, ideas, and humanitarian principles, are highlighted.

Ben's Pluto in strong conjunction
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jennifer's Jupiter

and Ben's Jupiter in weak square (within 5.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Pluto.

Since your and your partner's complementary planets follow the same pattern, this aspect is greatly emphasized in your reading. Pay special attention to the following material!

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect of Jupiter in conjunction with partner's Pluto symbolizes empowerment and character development in your relationship. You will likely find a depth of spiritual understanding and evolutionary growth and transformation in this partnership. You reach as one to empower your highest aspirations together. This aspect also indicates increased prospects materially, especially regarding large-scale operations of some kind. Philanthropic projects, spiritual endeavors, and progress with partnership goals are all supported. In a romantic context, world travel and multi-cultural experience is a definite possibility as well as enjoyment of sexuality. Your partnership possesses unbounded zeal or even excess without restraint, perhaps trying out new and somewhat dangerous things. You may be inclined to take some risks, but these result in a sense of freedom and potential success for you. If you can avoid controlling behavior, Ben's energy will help to dynamically focus the partnership vision, while Jennifer will bring expansion to the deep and powerful desires of Ben. Cooperation between you can be incredibly fulfilling when you employ proper balance and discrimination.

Ben's Pluto in strong conjunction
(within 0.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Uranus

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Uranus in dynamic relation with Pluto, reflects a mutual interest in the partnership for group endeavor towards specific goals, and humanitarian effort. The symbolism of these planets indicates that you have a powerful visionary and future-oriented component in your partnership with each other. There is likely to be an emphasis in your relationship on social conscience, and testing of the group psyche. There may be a rebellious attitude that you both share, which encourages versatility and self-expression into unknown or unexplored realms, and makes you impatient with ordinary reality, the way things are. Together, you look forward to a new age of better understanding and improved relations of the human family with all its other members. You feel the nature of ageless wisdom coming through you, giving you a strong push to support each other in progress toward transformation, although disagreements could also result between you, since the energy that creates worlds and destroys old forms to bring new ones into being, is powerful and has its manifestation in your partnership psyche.

Ben's Chiron in strong conjunction
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Midheaven

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This inter-aspect, of Chiron conjunct partner's Midheaven, leads to a focus between you on healing issues related to authority, and to feeling at ease about showing up in the world. For one or both of you, issues could have come up concerning self-image or being able to feel good about past associations with authority figures, and if so, these types of concerns may be highlighted and therefore up for discussion and eventual healing. The key for both of you is that you accept this partner in their entirety, warts and all. In any connection with others that are more than superficial, it is helpful, when recognizing flaws in the other person, to provide acceptance rather than criticism, and this aspect bodes well for such action. There is a way that a partner's inner wounds, the likely result of early childhood trauma, are a significant part of themselves that needs attention and healing presence. Important healing can take place when this wounded place is seen as a present, an important, and a respected part of the person. Good mutual understanding and interchange are then made possible.

Ben's Ascendant in strong sextile
(within 0.3 degrees) with Jennifer's Saturn

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Saturn in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant, indicates a practical side to the relationship that can feel like a limitation, duty, or burdens of some kind. This represents a purposeful interaction but also indicates some form of perhaps self-imposed discipline experienced by the partners. The imposed control is likely felt most strongly by Ben, although it may be the other way around. The discipline and restriction engendered by this partnership can be supportive and productive as well, and helpful in working through problems together. In a romantic context, your relationship is inclined towards the serious effort, and practicality, even in romance, such as having stable agreements and workable conditions, and it may be quite productive, supporting a long-term bond with each other. There is likely a tendency toward practical and effective daily function, forcing one partner to produce or to insure the relationship in some way. The ability to bear burdens and share tasks with each other is part of all this, and your relationship is likely to excel with this aspect.

Ben's Ascendant in strong square
(within 1.8 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This inter-aspect, of Chiron in aspect to partner's Ascendant, leads to a certain degree of spiritual healing between you. For one or both of you, issues may come up concerning self-image and self-worth, and if so, these types of concerns may well be an important factor in the relationship. In any connection with another that is more than superficial, it is helpful, when recognizing flaws in the other person, to provide acceptance rather than criticism, and this aspect bodes well for such action. There is a way that a partner's inner wounds, the likely result of early childhood trauma, are a significant part of themselves that needs attention and healing presence. This aspect indicates that such a healing presence may well be found within this relationship. Important healing can take place when this wounded place is seen as a present, an important, and a respected part of the person. Good mutual understanding and interchange are then made possible.

Ben's Midheaven in strong square
(exact) with Jennifer's Venus

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of Venus in square with partner's Midheaven, represents a strong link between you regarding plans and aspirations, although with the potential for diffusion of objectives between you and waste or excess of some variety. You value the same things overall, though you may come to this appreciation from different angles. There may be a conflict between practical directions and selfish attitudes, or perhaps a lack of initiative, where one partner prefers to enjoy the fruits of labor while the other wishes to continue working. Jennifer provides an aesthetic sensibility, which in general supports the career goals of Ben, or may at times operate at cross-purposes to these goals, while Ben takes a more practical and real-world approach. There is likely to be an artistic side to the work you do together. In a romantic context, there is warmth and affection between you, with pleasure and sensuality along with a strong sense of aesthetics between you. Your life together can be abundant and beautiful, but also may be indulgent, or wasteful of resources. The appearance of being graceful in the eyes of the world is important, and you may emphasize ascending in social circles with each other. There is a real rapport between you, but also perhaps an excess of ego, or overindulgence in life's pleasures. Career direction and shared purposes are likely to go well, and you are propelled toward success together, with Jennifer providing encouragement and inspiration, while Ben receives and tries to keep the focus on track. Your relationship generally helpful, congenial, and warm, and your shared purpose is likely to include a strong creative component particularly in the way of the artistic or musical.

Ben's Sun in sextile
(within 3.7 degrees) with Jennifer's Venus

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Venus, is generally beneficial. The two of you are likely to make each other feel and look better together. There is likely to be a strong friendship based on common interests, especially in the area Venus or the Sun occupies in your respective charts, particularly in the mutual pursuit of some area of pleasure or sensual enjoyment. In a romantic context, this aspect brings pleasure and enjoyment to your union, together with a sense of beauty, creative entertainment, and harmonious interaction. It indicates a very good connection: love, pleasure, sensuality, attraction, and appeal. You share wealth, even abundance together, with beautiful surroundings, and a good aesthetic sense. This aspect supports arts, leadership in economic areas, and the creation of items of beauty, and may include fun in the outdoors together, pleasurable travel, and many enjoyable social engagements. You can build a permanent bond easily, because you have a strong sense of receptivity to each other, and a good feeling of continuity together. The aspect can sometimes be indicative of fortune, success, and awards together or other recognition, some sense of noble bearing. Together you find enjoyment in each other's achievements and energy.

Ben's Sun in sesquiquadrate
(within 0.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required.

This inter-aspect, of Sun in dynamic aspect to partner's Chiron, leads to a certain degree of spiritual healing between you. For one or both of you, issues may come up concerning self-image and self-worth, or the possibility of a wounded early relationship with your father or they with theirs. If so, these types of concerns may be an important factor in your relationship connection. There is a natural tendency in the case of a romantic relationship with a father wound present, to try to in some way act out the troubled relationship in this new situation, with this partner, so that these types of issues could well arise for discussion and subsequent healing. If they do, the best approach will likely be one that goes to depth, and to acceptance of your partner's situation, as well as your willingness to share your own. There is a way that a partner's inner wounds, the result of early childhood trauma, are a significant part of themselves that needs attention and healing presence, and this aspect indicates that such a healing presence may be needed within this relationship. It will not be easy, but important healing can take place between you, and you must also recognize that it will take acceptance of each other’s basic humanity, wounds and all, if that positive result is to be possible.

Ben's Sun in trine
(within 6.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of the Sun in flowing relation with partner's Midheaven, indicates shared purpose and mutual objectives, usually with some recognition or rewards in creative areas, perhaps sports, entertainment, business, or leadership roles. There can be mutual benefit, with one partner being the producer/director while the other is the actor, to choose an example from film work. It is likely that one partner, perhaps Jennifer, is the more compelling leader, while the other contributes a strong second to the original motion. In a romantic connection, there is likely to be a strong attraction between you, since you share goals and achievement. You have an invitation to succeed and rise to higher purpose together, whether creative, or with children, or for just plain fun with each other. Public life may be involved, and the possibility is also there for some authoritarian disagreements, although more likely creativity and enjoyment are increased when you are together. You will feel brighter, more playful, and more alive to your shared purpose through this relationship.

Ben's Moon in sesquiquadrate
(within 0.8 degrees) with Jennifer's Venus

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required.

With this aspect, of the Moon in opposition with partner's Venus, you have an enduring emotional sympathy with each other in your partnership. There is a sense of receptivity and congeniality between you. The more feminine side of each of you is explored, along with the desire for artistic satisfaction, financial growth, and pleasure in general. In a business connotation, jewelry, the arts, and all things feminine come into the picture with this aspect. There are indications of beneficial acquisition of things together, as well as the simple pleasures of sharing, and being good friends with each other. In a romantic context, this aspect is a very positive indication of a warm and congenial relationship. You feel receptive and nurturing to each other, feeding each other in a rapport of peaceful feelings, and sensual enjoyment. You explore the loving nature of life together, with a sense of relaxation within an intimate receptivity. Jennifer will value and lend support to the emotional needs of Ben, who in turn will nurture and encourage the aesthetic sensibility and values of Jennifer. This aspect represents an excellent and supportive connection between you, as you welcome and embrace all forms of worldly enjoyment together with loving grace.

Ben's Moon in opposition
(within 3.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Saturn

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this aspect, of the Moon in dynamic relation with partner's Saturn, you have a good basis for stability and responsibility in your partnership. This is an indicator of restrictions and self-imposed discipline in your relationship, although there may be a sense that the restrictive behavior comes more from Jennifer, who may also appear to be critical or demanding at times. There is likely to be a recognition of the restrictions of practical necessity, calling for a self-reliant attitude. Although your partnership may be sober and serious at times, this aspect also indicates good prospects for long-term loyalty and effective cooperation together. In a romantic context, this aspect is a good indicator for a stable and long-term relationship such as marriage. You may cherish the sense of being together as a unit, and may also feel somewhat isolated at times, or feel that you are united against the world perhaps. You can expect some limitation of expansive fantasy and honing in of awareness, based on emotional control exerted by your partner which therefore makes for more clarity and supports movement toward cherished goals. You have the determination to work together as a team, with the capacity to function well materially. You may also feel a sense of obligation and duties, perhaps to friends and family. There is the possibility of controlling behavior, especially on the part of Jennifer toward Ben. Ben could feel stifled, or let down, but also may sense the practical and supportive nature of Jennifer, who helps keep partnership progress toward shared goals and objectives on track. You may be put off by a feeling that your partner is too closed, or a feeling of emotional restriction, but you do well when you focus on shared objectives. The sign and house position of the Moon and Saturn in each partner's chart will more closely indicate the area of shared interaction. It will be helpful if you try to move beyond any fears you may have regarding intimacy, which can leave you or your partner feeling left out, lonely or undesirable, and do some work on yourselves. You may accomplish much regarding your inner development through these interactions with each other.

Ben's Moon in inconjunct
(within 2.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This inter-aspect, of Moon in flowing aspect to partner's Chiron, implies that the recognition and the eventual healing of certain issues from the past might prove to be an important theme of your relationship with each other. In either a romantic or a non-romantic connection, you come together in a nurturing way that is quite evident to both of you. There is a great deal of simple acceptance on each side for who you actually are in your totality so that you feel seen by your partner. If ancient wounds exist, from ineffective nurturing in the past, or from a damaged relationship of either partner with a mother figure from their early childhood, there could be healing available in this relationship. The acceptance that is provided, in this relationship connection, could be vital in promoting your own self-acceptance. There could also be additional nurturing that one or both of you engage in, such as with children. Any issues that may come up in regard to parenting could also become a factor in the relationship connection, in the affection that you feel for one another, and in the healing that is provided.

Ben's Moon in square
(within 3.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Ascendant

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect, of the Moon in square with partner's Ascendant represents a strong emotional connection, and reflects your desire as a partnership for comfort and security, with one party tending to feed and support the other, although there may also be emotional stress between you. In general, this aspect indicates a workable and dependable connection in which you protect and take care of each other and increase each other's well-being, with a strong sense of family bond between you. In a romantic context, your passions and emotional perspectives are dissimilar, although you share a perspective for growth aligned with family goals, and enhanced by a beneficial feeling of camaraderie. Family is an important part of your union, as well as children or the creative offspring of some shared purpose. There may be even too great an emotional attachment between you, or bonding for the wrong reasons, leading to discordant feelings between you, or there may be a goal orientation that is not shared, cross purposes that do not easily match. Although there is likely to be a degree of discord between you, this aspect also symbolizes a strong desire for comfort, security, and nurturing in your partnership. For the most part, you have a workable and dependable connection that promotes mutual healing.

Ben's Mercury in trine
(within 4.1 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This inter-aspect, of Mercury in aspect with Chiron between the two charts, indicates that there could be communication issues present between you, not so much as a cause for concern as a pathway to greater compassion and understanding between you. This same concept of communication difficulty could also refer to the way that you together deal with an internal wound around clearly expressing yourself that arises in one partner or the other, and that this relationship allows to be considered more holistically as your connection grows. Such communication issues usually have their origin in the past, and regarding which shame could also have potentially arisen, making it more difficult to arrive at a healing place. Something about this relationship connection brings these issues to the fore, thus leading you to greater awareness regarding the presence, deep inside you, of this ancient wound. The result may be that one or both of you move toward the healing of these issues, including banishing any shame involved and just being able to accept yourself as you are.

Ben's Mars in semi-sextile
(within 1.1 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

This aspect, of Sun in minor dynamic relation with partner's Mars symbolizes partnership energy that tends to be energetic, athletic, motivated, and passionate, and may also include manifestations of will or ego conflict such as outbursts of temper. There is a strong chance for some type of rivalry between you. Your partnership benefits if you can keep your focus on your mutual awareness of vital life pursuits, and your drive to succeed together. In a romantic context, you feel physical passion but also tension, and benefit from rational control and planning. Your achievement together can be easy or difficult, depending on how well you can get along with each other. You feel the impulse to do and move together, yet there may also be discord or you may get the feeling that you are working at crossed purposes, with partnership direction not fully aligned. Consciousness and foresight can go far to offset the possibilities for impatience and conflict between you.

Ben's Mars in quintile
(within 0.7 degrees) with Jennifer's Venus

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

This aspect of Mars in flowing relation with partner's Venus, inclines toward warm affection between the partners, especially in cases where the opposite sex is involved. It can also symbolize drive for economic gain or higher purpose with each other, and for sharing the enjoyments of life together. You are likely to find affection and personal creativity on some level. In a romantic context, you balance charm and energy, bringing peaceful cooperation, or active romance. This aspect speaks of warmth through shared chemistry, of a socially active lifestyle, with strong physical enjoyment and sensual affection. Similar taste and style between the partners are highlighted. This aspect also symbolizes higher forms of compromise between you, and evolution of purpose, perhaps leading to love and commitment.

Ben's Mars in semi-sextile
(within 1.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Jupiter

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

With this aspect of Mars in minor dynamic relation with partner's Jupiter, there is likely to be energy and excitement in your partnership as well as some productive quality. There may be differences in style between you but this also can enliven your partnership. You share enthusiasm and expansion together, although there could be issues of over-doing between you and some form of control does need to be exercised. Your relationship is bold, adventuresome, and fiery. In a romantic connection, this aspect is a good indicator for physical enjoyment: sheer romance just for the fun of it. Your partnership is high energy. You are inclined to be perhaps even too open and frank with each other. You share athletics, the enjoyment of nature and recreation together, as well as congenial exciting friendships. But you may need to place more emphasis on prudence as a balance to your restless enthusiasm. This aspect indicates a fundamentally healthy sense of expansion and higher vision between you.

Ben's Mars in semi-sextile
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Uranus

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

This aspect of Mars in minor dynamic relation with partner's Uranus promotes aggressive and independent action in both partners. Your willful side may emerge, stimulated by this relationship. This aspect also promotes creative innovation in science, mechanics, or enterprise, although there may be friction between you that makes it difficult to work with each other. In a romantic connection, this aspect invites inventive lovemaking, unique freedom, and adaptation to change. However, one of you may find yourself irritated with the other, perhaps due to over-demands of too much freedom, or attitudes and perceptions not fully compatible with both viewpoints. If you actively seek positive outlets, you can pursue humanitarian effort and other progressive achievements together.

Ben's Mars in semi-sextile
(within 0.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Ascendant

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.

This aspect of Mars in minor dynamic relation with partner's Ascendant symbolizes a relationship that is engaging and stimulating but perhaps operating at cross-purposes. There may be goals not in harmony between you or objectives not agreed on. Your personalities can clash with each other, especially if one has a willful nature. There is sympathy to move fast, to get things done, or perhaps to act out physically. The challenge is to keep personal initiative or drive to succeed in a balance between you. In a romantic context, you are likely to be energized, alive, active, restless, and passionate with each other. The appeal and energy between you may be quite physical with plenty of motivation and drive, although overt competitiveness or displays of temper could prove counter-productive.

Ben's Jupiter in inconjunct
(within 2.7 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

With this aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Jupiter, you can expect a joyous and expansive connection with one another. You will likely come into a wondrous awareness of purpose, perception, and vision together, leading to new levels of trust and faith between you. Significant journeys may be undertaken together, or perhaps time spent to positively re-evaluate goals and concrete expressions of your shared enthusiasm for life. This aspect symbolizes increased play, joy, childlike nature, the desire for humor, sharing of all you have, while pursuing religious, educational, or outdoor activities with each other. It is good to remember to avoid excess. In a romantic connection there is exceptional joy, abundance, bounty, and wisdom in your relationship. You share similar motivations, and release freedom and expansion in each other, permitting great enjoyment, enthusiasm, and gregariousness together. The creative dynamic between you is strong. Something in your relationship allows, supports, and enthuses over your joint purpose together. Your relationship encourages exuberant exchanges of ideas with each other, and is productive of wisdom and positive understanding, with opportunity, good fortune, and good possibilities for wild and uninhibited pleasure. You enjoy shared abundance, with Ben perhaps giving more to Jennifer, and taking pleasure in Jennifer's enjoyment of the gifts. Together, you will find optimism and a sense of fair play in your relationship.

Ben's Jupiter in square
(within 2.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Jupiter

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect of Jupiter in square or opposition with partner's Jupiter symbolizes a highly expansive, robust, and fortunate partnership, along with some potential for excess or exaggerated optimism. You have different ideals or metaphysical philosophies, but there is likely to be support by each one for the other. You operate at your best with mutual tolerance and appreciation, bringing out the good qualities in each other and supporting freedom and independence in both parties. In a romantic context, this is a good indicator of a fortunate and positive connection. You feel encouragement from each other, leading to a sense of expansiveness in your joint endeavors, which could include philosophy, educational interests, religious pursuits, travel, sports, or other forms of outdoor activities. The tendency is to grow, although this could be in weight or lifestyle with an under-emphasis on checks and balances. Together, you may find abundance, even wealth, but you need to watch excessive spending or other forms of waste or not being completely down to earth in matching objectives with reality. You may be inclined to take chances, which could lead to prosperity, or merely to overextending. Misunderstandings may also come from your differing views if there is not a good sense of respect for the other person's opinions. Your partnership is generally founded on wise action, riding on a fair wind into a blue horizon, but you do need to keep your hand on the tiller and steer.

Ben's Jupiter in inconjunct
(within 2.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Ascendant

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect of Jupiter in flowing relation with partner's Ascendant represents abundance and joy, wisdom and expansiveness. There is trust, optimism, faith, openings for material wealth, and spiritual understanding between you. Both partners will support and bring abundance to each other with the freedom to expand their individual horizons as well. In a romantic context, you feel joyful and fortunate together. You have the graceful urge to harmonize and blend with each other, and to explore religious, philosophical, or spiritual values together. You may benefit greatly from travel to distant shores or just from a wide-ranging discourse that touches on many subject areas and interests. There is a wise and buoyant idealism that you share with each other. You are confident, adventurous, and socially gregarious together with abundant energy for physical activities, nature, and the passion for life. This aspect represents an exceptionally positive and open connection productive of higher wisdom and the joy of just being together.

Ben's Saturn in quintile
(within 0.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

With this inter-aspect, of Saturn in flowing aspect with partner's Chiron, there could be childhood wounds with dynamics of power and control present in the background of one or both partners. These could be pertinent or potentially triggered, in the context of your relationship, resulting in an eventual movement toward healing. These types of issues usually are the residue of unresolved trauma arising from misplaced parental control that took place in early childhood, leading to the mistrust into adulthood of any kind of authority. When controlling behavior comes up between you, the key is that there be understanding prioritized over disparagement, acceptance rather than rejection as problematic behavior, and constructive criticism that is also a reality check. The reflection of your concerns with authority and control that is to be found in your partner's gaze, as they give attention to you, can provide definite help with your coming to terms with these issues. If one partner is perceived as acting critical to the other, rather than off-putting, this might come to be seen as an illusion of perspective.

Ben's Uranus in quintile
(within 2.1 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

This aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Uranus, symbolizes a changeable relationship with an element of mental stimulation that promotes excitement and creative flair. It is likely that Ben brings much stimulation and change as well as unusual enjoyment to Jennifer. Something calls the two of you to a broader type of relationship with widespread interests, and often of a humanitarian or multi-cultural character. In a romantic context there is some unique attraction that stimulates your interaction. You have a good basis of friendship and support for each other, and may also be inventively sensual together. You can apply your good rapport into reaching each other in unique ways, and you may experience unusual partnering connections. You may find that your relationship brings brothers and sisters into the picture, or people of other races or creeds, and you may wish to explore science together, or perhaps film, or other cultural areas. Life between you may be in a continual state of flux, creating the need for readjustment. There is also a spiritual component, as you go through many changes, by giving up and going "with the flow" of unusual surprises and much good fellowship encountered along the way. You have a good start on a dynamic and exciting, and possibly world-shaking partnership, although there is an erratic side to your connection that may incite discordant feelings between you. If you allow ultimate freedom and independence for each other, you benefit from what becomes a unique and evolved form of relationship.

Ben's Uranus in quintile
(within 0.1 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

This aspect, of Mercury in flowing relation with partner's Uranus, symbolizes the enjoyable sharing of eclectic ideas. Your unique individualities ignite into mental gymnastics to stimulate practical innovation and vital exchange of ideas between you. This aspect indicates for your partnership the ability to travel and work together, especially in science or technology, also to understand and work with humanitarian or cultural perspectives. The harmonic vibration between these two planets promotes the very best in progressive advancement, and unique expressions of "new age" attitudes are likely to be forthcoming as part of your shared endeavors. You explore the wide-ranging activity and new avenues of purpose. There is an awakening of the mind brought about by this partnership, and stimulation for the individual uniqueness of each of you. In a romantic relationship, the mental stimulation of your connection ensures that the wit and sparkle of interesting conversation flow between you. This aspect reveals a spiritual and future-oriented vibration that enhances your relationship. Ben may be more inventive, and brings surprises, although Jennifer will also contribute ideas and information of practical and or even an unusual character. Together you are likely to enliven others with your gifts and understanding and may work in some new or inventive area, to bring original conceptions into people's lives, or through media and computers.

Ben's Uranus in trine
(within 3.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Venus

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect, of Venus in flowing relation to partner's Uranus, symbolizes a pattern of real friendship and harmony, with mutual encouragement and sharing, in an unusual, innovative and altruistic partnership. The indications are good for artistic achievement in the work you do together. You have an instant and intuitive rapport with each other. You are likely to benefit yourselves and others, bringing in a unique and perhaps eccentric form of excitement. Inspiration from new dimensions of experience combines with worldly interests to enhance cooperation between you, for your mutual benefit and that of society around you. In a romantic connection, there is likely to be a form of infatuation between you, and unusual quality to the romance that leads to an almost magnetic attraction for each other. Your partner may demonstrate an above-average romantic streak of unusual character, with gifts or other unexpected shows of devotion. Both of you are stimulated, sometimes intellectually, always harmoniously. Many close friends are also indicated, especially inclining to unique acquaintances. Originality and Imagination come together, with the fascination of convivial companionship and shared interest.

Ben's Neptune in sesquiquadrate
(within 1.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required.

This aspect, of Neptune in minor dynamic relation with partner's Midheaven gives you a good basis for spiritual endeavors with each other. Your partnership is aligned with mystical purpose, involving potentially the arts, drama, music, perhaps areas of the occult or psychic powers, and healing. Mutual support for each other is implied, and also creative effort and there may be a sense of sacrifice or burdens which you feel necessary to maintain together, but these can turn into joys with the compassion that comes through shared inspiration and service. In a romantic context, you encounter loving support and spiritual values in your relationship, a calm, congenial feeling that sustains life goals not depending on material manifestation. You are extremely sensitive to each other's emotions, and there can be telepathic support for each other, with much idealism and mutual devotion.

Ben's Pluto in sextile
(within 4.8 degrees) with Jennifer's Moon

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

With this aspect, of the Moon in flowing relation with partner's Pluto, there is a dark side to your relationship, although it may operate on a quite subtle level. There may be a feeling of being together for some karmic purpose. Together you are both working toward an important process of change and emotional fulfillment, with Jennifer the one who does most of the transforming, while Ben provides the catalytic energy for change. In a romantic context, this aspect symbolizes a powerful sexual and higher purpose contact between you, with the passion to explore each other's mysteries. This vibration between you is subtle, and may not be part of your conscious awareness, but over time you may discover that great changes have been wrought in terms of some hidden and perhaps painful portions of your psyche through this relationship. There may be walled-off feelings of rage and pain from early childhood, perhaps going back to issues with mother love or its lack, that come to light in the course of this process. There is a serious soul purpose that brings you together for this adventure. There may also be a somewhat compulsive factor to your interaction, and you may need to be careful of possessiveness or other forms of emotional control that could come up between you. You both are being asked to rise to the occasion, to process the material presenting itself to you, in your eternal quest for balance and wholeness so that your life may move forward.

Ben's Pluto in sextile
(within 2.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect, of Mercury in flowing relation with partner's Pluto, represents a relationship that can be keenly introspective, yet also dynamic and active. One partner may seem to be able to plumb to the depth of the other's psyche. Communications can be deeply involving, with a sense of exploring the unknown. There is an urge to develop understanding between you, to realize how the other one thinks. In a romantic context, this aspect promotes serious depth of mental connection, dynamic communication empowerment, and deep thoughts shared, perhaps feeling that you are linked somehow from the past. You experience realizations about your backgrounds, patterns, or natures; the empathy you feel with each other is fascinating, and can also help you work together powerfully and well. You may readily adapt to change in the course of the relationship. Changes are likely in both partners and may include broadening the horizons of Jennifer, or Ben learning not to dominate the communication as much. This aspect indicates an excellent basis in your relationship for planning, for a study that goes into the depths of a matter, as well as strong and intense communications, regarding the wide range of interests you share. You are likely to be excellent coworkers, with opportunities for building ideas together, planning for the future, or sharing research and study of the occult, metaphysical matters, health, and healing practice, perhaps involving institutions. You may also become involved as a partnership with issues of investigation and direct understanding by the intuitive mind. You may uncover connections to healing, or new forms of regeneration of body, mind, and spirit.

Ben's Pluto in sextile
(within 3.0 degrees) with Jennifer's Mars

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect of Mars in flowing relation with partner's Pluto encourages a broad focus with passion, drive, and ambition to succeed between you. Your partnership is likely to be productive of physical manifestations such as mechanics and engineering research, or assistance in business and promotional areas. There also may be political sharing or other work involving civic affairs. Strength and raw power are indicated between you. This implies the need to take some degree of care lest the fire gets out of control. The depth of focus between you can bring you to a powerful determination to work with each other. In a romantic context, this aspect symbolizes deep passion and drive. Your interchange may be very physical and at times aggressive. There are indications of obstacles overcome, objectives realized, and strong active pursuit of sexuality. This can imply anger or conflict but also is good for drawing forth your true feelings and bringing about a required examination of your relationship issues. The shared cooperation can be challenging but also outstanding.

Ben's Midheaven in sesquiquadrate
(within 0.6 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required.

This aspect, of Mercury in minor dynamic relation with partner's Midheaven, brings new insights, along with the possibility of challenges to career or purpose between you. This primarily amiable connection coordinates you as co-workers by allowing for stimulating communication and the sharing of practical purposes between you. However, business plans may change often, or without prior agreement, or you may encounter delays, or not enough attention to detail on the part of one of the partners, or other areas of potential partnership disagreement. In a romantic context, there is some possibility of disconnects over details, or one partner may be too heady to suit the other's more practical bent. There is some degree of intellectual focus in your relationship, and you may well have educational goals as a partnership. You are also likely to experience some degree of organizing by attention to detail and perhaps may travel together for career or business purposes. You may also be somewhat at odds with each other over career choices or decisions involving your public persona.

Ben's Midheaven in opposition
(within 4.1 degrees) with Jennifer's Pluto

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect, of Pluto in dynamic relation with partner's Midheaven, brings powerful purpose to your relationship, along with development and depth of character. The nature of Pluto is to realize and transform its objectives, and this impulse is part of your partnership energy so that you are likely to accomplish much together as a team. You may be drawn into areas such as healing, depth psychology, or research. This aspect also supports dangerous careers such as law enforcement or perhaps sky diving, or regeneration careers, such as recycling or criminal rehabilitation. There is a powerful drive to succeed, with strong ambition between you to gain economically. In a romantic context, there is a strong movement for sexual connection and growth between you. There may be a sense of coming together for karmic reasons or to break up old patterns. Some ego conflict is also possible, or two leaders wishing to take charge, and you should beware of potential antagonism or power plays. One person, likely Jennifer, provides incentive and development of profound purpose, and may also instigate and be the protagonist in these dramas, while Ben provides focus and leadership. The sexual link between you is strong, but may not mix well with business or shared objectives, and there are always the control issues, but if you can achieve unity in your relationship there is incredible potential for powerful and profound achievement together. In addition to bringing forth issues and healing them in your own lives you may participate in planetary healing as well.

Ben's Mercury in weak conjunction
(within 9.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Sun
Sole dispositor of chart planets

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

With this aspect, of Sun in conjunction with partner's Mercury, you have a terrific basis for communication in your relationship. There is also a great potential for teaching and learning new things through your partnership. Jennifer is likely the teacher, while Ben, possibly younger, is more eager to learn. You undoubtedly have sharp and witty exchanges, and many interests in common. Your relationship is likely to involve siblings and friends, and outside interests will charm you more than being at home. In a romantic context, this is an excellent aspect, symbolizing mutual exchange and shared interest, a quickening of your goals and visions together. You enjoy lively interaction with each other, with the movement of travel, or exploring ideas together. You work together well, with room for inventive fantasy as well as practical understanding, enlivening loving approaches, and shared purpose. Planning and organizing together is beneficial for you, with agreements strongly and clearly made. The indications are there for the two of you to have a happy connection, productive of joy and wisdom. .

Ben's Mercury in weak conjunction
(within 7.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Mercury
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect of Mercury in conjunction with partner's Mercury gives you a terrific basis in your partnership for shared communication and ideas. You are on the same mental wavelength with similar interests and visions. Good communications intensify your connection with social appeal and loads of fun and laughter together. Also emphasized are writing together and mutual collaborations involving the media, mind, or ideas. In a romantic context, you field each other's ideas well with congenial insights and like visions that illuminate your sharing. Good communication, always important, is enhanced for this relationship. You have a strong mental connection with each other with lively discourse and exchange of ideas. You also have a strong desire to learn from each other, to be involved in educational projects together, or to converse and travel together. In addition to the convivial intellectual stimulation in your partnership, there is also some possibility of trying to outdo the other mentally or conflicts of ego and will to be worked through. Your life together is also likely to be quite busy; you may enjoy travel, or things mechanical, or speed and movement in general. If you are drawn toward looking for a professional purpose together, it may be by means of research or making contacts. You will most likely experience positive sharing and exchange together, leading to viable and transformative change for each of you.

Ben's Venus in weak square
(within 6.2 degrees) with Jennifer's Jupiter

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

In this aspect, Venus in square with Jupiter, is the indication of abundance and perhaps excessive emotional exuberance in your relationship. There is the promise of good fortune materially, or possibly there could also be some degree of waste or excess. It really is up to how the partners work with the energy, whether you choose to take the high road. Finances should be closely watched, and excess controlled. Both of you are likely to do well with this aspect, and gain spiritually and even materially. There is every indication of warmth and real enjoyment between you, and happy times for this partnership. In a romantic context, this aspect indicates good intentions between you, and the joy of sharing, although there may be a disregard for checks and balances. You may encounter some freedom of lovemaking style or partnership agreement, expanded sensuality, or increased exuberance between you, perhaps leading to an attraction to love affairs, or merely to desiring a sense of drama in your lives together. Also indicated is generosity, sometimes to a fault, as well as the desire for luxuries, extremes of feeling, perhaps wild disregard for discipline. You do well to rein expectations in and strive for balanced and carefully slow growth and progress together.

Ben's Saturn in weak square
(within 4.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Pluto

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This connection, of Saturn in dynamic aspect with partner's Pluto, represents a relationship that has a deep and serious side, and which may be transformative for both partners. There is a subtle tension involved that may not be obvious immediately, but which represents hidden emotions that are underlying your relationship, and which may reflect a karmic pattern or past-life connection with each other. These emotions may be expressed as resentment, or feelings of enmity may come up for one or both of you. There is a transformer and reformer within your relationship, which could be expressed by either partner, challenging you to rise above, work more effectively on inner issues, and enable your evolutionary progress. You have great energy for this struggle and will apply all the self-discipline that could be required in these dark matters, to bring them ultimately into the light. All this can make things seem quite serious, or may engender strong feelings of denial and limitation in connection with your partner, but in the end, for a specific purpose.

Ben's Neptune in weak conjunction
(within 6.9 degrees) with Jennifer's Moon

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of the Moon in conjunction with partner's Neptune, represents a relationship of great sensitivity and mutual rapport. The Moon and Neptune are indicators of nurturing and sharing, although in different ways, and both of you will give a great deal of support and encouragement to the other, in a partnership based on spiritual intuition, mutual sharing, and a sense of loyal devotion to each other. Also included in your relationship is shared creativity in the arts, or music, perhaps caring for the sick and elderly, or for other disadvantaged groups. In a romantic context, this aspect indicates a spiritual love, with sympathy and compassion between you, feeling strongly supportive of each other in creative or artistic ways. This flows like water, with mutual understanding and sensitive receptivity to each other's moods. There is some spiritual connection that has brought you together and you will each experience feeling nurtured and cared for and may operate more on the feeling level than the material, in this relationship. You have genuine empathy between you, an intuitive telepathic connection with each other, and you may find psychic receptivity to others as well, such as friends and family. When working together, you may also find yourselves to be more forgiving and compassionate toward the world at large, more willing to do things for other people. Together you are symbolically the ocean of universal oneness, hopeful, aligned with all humanity, and dissolvers of barriers and limits, which may transform your own unconscious emotions for your mutual benefit. You may also encounter a tendency to fantasize or live in a world of illusions, and might do well to set some limits for yourselves in this regard. But limits arising out of what you feel is right; not what others demand of you.

Ben's Neptune in weak conjunction
(within 6.5 degrees) with Jennifer's Neptune

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This aspect, of Neptune conjunct partner's Neptune, represents a generational influence of shared feeling, sensitivity, and caretaking that applies to similar areas of life. Spiritual goals may be quite similar between you, and your peers will also feel the same way. You may also find that you feel a lack of sympathy for that part of the outer world that does not share your views. In a romantic context, you will find service and helpfulness for each other, and mutual support, together with harmony and creativity in the arts as well. Your basic spiritual alignment brings sympathy and compassion for each other, and sharing of music, drama, and also a sense of mysticism. You also may encounter some degree of dissipation or disillusion, perhaps the desire to escape from life's hardships into worlds of your own, but primarily you are happily joined, sensually, as well as spiritually.

Ben's Pluto in weak conjunction
(within 7.4 degrees) with Jennifer's Pluto

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

Pluto conjunct Pluto is a generational influence empowering group effort and karmic ties between groups. You are peers holding similar values who share like world views and perspectives.

Ben's Pluto in weak opposition
(within 6.3 degrees) with Jennifer's Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this inter-aspect, of Pluto in aspect with partner's Chiron, in this relationship, there is a tendency for issues to come up between you of compulsivity, authority, power, and control. It could be that one or both of you has an issue such as this, stemming from early childhood trauma, when authority was misapplied, or not always in the child’s best interest, and this complex within your personality can become exacerbated by the shared activity of your partnership connection. It could also be that, together, each of you may become better aware of these types of issues by a difficult process of having to deal with them in the context of the relationship. As you become more aware of your individual contribution to this difficult dynamic between you, constructive awareness grows that will allow you to move toward healing.


Relationships are such a special and important part of our lives! I hope you enjoyed this sample of a Romantic Relationship Compatibility Astrological report of these celebrities.

The compatibility report is a wonderful way to gain more appreciation for the strengths and challenges of our relationships and helps with proper expectations as one begins to realize that all relationships have both positive and more challenging aspects.

The challenges are nothing to fear if you understand that relationships that are good, and valuable to our soul, are those that encourage our spiritual growth. When you understand the purpose of the challenge, you will appreciate your partner for their role in your life so much more!

If you would like to receive these valuable insights for your romantic, or any other type of relationship- parent/ child, employer/ employee, and/ or friends, please check out the Compatibility Report on my website.

The Composite or report of the purpose of the relationship is another available report to explore.

The written reports are comprehensive but if you have specific concerns in a particular area of life; relationships, career, or life direction for example, a personalized Astrological Guidance Reading consisting of a 90 minute pre-recorded video addressing your specific concerns is invaluable. The reading not only addresses life themes but using current astrological transits, examines the current planetary positions and the influences on your current situation and life circumstances.

Click the link here to find out more Astrology 1.5 Hour Video Reading or check out our website at


Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign.

Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below.

Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees

Square — 90° ± 8 degrees

Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees

Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees

Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees

Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees

Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined.

Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals' planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity.

Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in "your monthly horoscope."

Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses.

Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth.

Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny.

Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto.

Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.

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